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Darrell Knoch – Book Journeys Radio Interview

Today’s episode of Book Journeys Radio was a unique experience for Dr. Angela with her interview of author Darrell Knoch. Knoch lives in Wyoming and Arizona, and is a entrepreneur, as well as an investor, financier, and life coach. He talked to Angela about his book, Mastering a Healthy Self-Image: The Guidebook for Real Happiness and Enormous Success.

Darrell Knoch - Mastering a Healthy Self Image - The Guidebook to Real Happiness and Enormous SuccessKnoch revealed that he had quite a difficult and unusual upbringing. He suffered an accident that damaged his face at a young age, and was only able to get part of it fixed at age sixteen because his family did not have the money for the operation. It took him more than twenty years to repair the rest of the damage to his face, and as such, he had self-esteem and self-image issues growing up. In time, however, he was able to turn his fortunes around, and got back his self-confidence. He was able to leverage this into building several successful enterprises, which then inspired him to write a book that passes on the life lessons that he has learned on to other people.


Angela was quite surprised to learn that Knoch was able to finish writing his book in a total of eight months—an instant in time compared to other authors who may take years to finish their manuscript. Knoch attributes this to his dedication to writing: he went to a secluded place with his motor home, and wrote for four or five hours straight. Knoch shared that his work as an author was also inspired by his stint in different businesses. He observed that there were times when he was touched by someone’s story, or he was moved to act as a guide or a mentor to someone. According to Knoch, this is what he brought to the forefront of his book.

Same as with the other authors that Angela interviews on the show, Knoch was able to self-publish his book. However, while other writers going the self-publishing route take the services of a publishing firm to get their book out into the market, Knoch used his experience and his business acumen to start his own publishing firm. According to Knoch, starting his own firm allowed him to get past two of the biggest obstacles to writers looking to self-publish their work, which is the oppressive business policies done by big publishing houses, and seedy, unscrupulous agents that dupe writers looking to break into the industry.

Mastering a Healthy Self Image - Darrell KnochKnoch shared two of his unique and successful marketing tools, which he called the Gratitude Card and the Affirmation card. He gave these out to random people as his way of saying he appreciates what they have done for him, or treated him really well. So far, he has given out about 26,000 of these tools to different people across the country. Some organizations have likewise taken after the practice, and given out Gratitude Coins as a way to teach values. His efforts have even landed him on TV, when a local NBC affiliate reported on him and his marketing techniques.

By the end of the interview, Angela called on her listeners to suggest authors that they would like to feature on the show, and invited them an event in Phoenix, Arizona that Book Journeys Radio will be part of.


Listen to the Darrell Knoch Interview on Book Journeys Radio

Read the Transcript 

DOWNLOAD Book Journeys Author Interview – Darrell Knoch – August 9 2012

Watch out for Angela’s interview with another exciting author.

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