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Tisha Morris – Book Journeys Author Interview

In this post, we review Dr. Angela Lauria’s Book Journeys interview with author Tisha Morris, author of Feng Shui Your Life.

Tisha Morris ImageAccording to, feng shui is “a Chinese system for positioning a building and the objects within a building in a way that is thought to agree with spiritual forces and to bring health and happiness.” Tisha didn’t originally set out to become a feng shui consultant, but after practicing law for a time, she realized it wasn’t for her, and so went into interior design; and it was while she was doing that, and investigating into energy healing, that she got involved in feng shui, studying it and eventually becoming a feng shui consultant.

The idea for the book, Feng Shui Your Life, came after her handling her first workshop on the subject. At the end of the workshop, a woman asked, “What do I do first?” and Tisha, having no immediate, clear answer, just replied as best she could.

Her goal for the book was to make feng shui accessible to the average person on the practical level, and in this regard the book is written in a chronological manner, based on that woman’s question. Given that feng shui is, according to her, as much art as it is science, and given that there are a lot of rules involved in feng shui, Tisha prioritized practicality in her book.

Feng Shui Your Life author Tisha MorrisTisha’s writing and publication of Feng Shui Your Life actually started when she heard that Turner Publishing was doing a series of books and sent them an outline proposal of her book, which was accepted. Tisha then spent two months writing the book out, doing her work in coffee shops in blocks of at least half a day, after breaking the book down into two major parts, and, from there, into individual chapters. She took one month to complete one part of the book, and then another month to complete the other part, and her breaking down the parts enabled her to keep track of what she needed to get done on a weekly and daily basis. She didn’t work on the book all the time, allowing herself ten minutes every hour to reward herself by searching through the Internet or checking her e-mail, which Angela acknowledged was a good way to operate.

Tisha recommended that new authors have a “plan B,” another project, already lined up once their first book is published, and she has applied it to herself. In reality, Feng Shui Your Life was the second book Tisha wrote, even though it was the first one published. She had written out her first book, Mind Body Home, over a period of six years, and this would become her second published book.


Listen to the Tisha Morris Interview on Book Journeys Radio

Read the Transcript

DOWNLOAD Book Journeys Author Interview -Tisha Morris – Dec 20 2012

Watch out for Angela’s interview with another exciting author.

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