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April’s Featured Author: Cassie Parks

Everyone has the power within them to create their happy ever after.

I am Cassie Parks-a passionate author, coach, speaker, champagne lover, and a guide for those who want to create their happy ever after. I am living my happy every after every day, and it’s not because I got lucky or someone waved their magic wand, but because I set out on a path to create it and didn’t stop until I got it.

I have the only pay-after-you-manifest money manifesting course, called Manifest 10K. It teaches the principles of Law of Attraction and improves people’s relationships with money. After the course I offer a Script Your Dream Life Workshop and a year-long coaching program that helps you get to your dream life quickly and easily.

My mission is to support people who feel stuck and frustrated to create a vision so they can live their happily ever after. My passion is teaching people they have the power to create a life they love living.

My first book, Money Mindset for a Champagne Life, teaches people why they are where they are financially. It teaches them how to create a new money persona and start creating the financial success they desire.

My second book, Investing Secrets for a Champagne Life, is an introduction to real estate investing. It teaches everything I learned along the way to retiring at 32.

My third book, Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life, was written for people who are frustrated they aren’t getting what they want. It’s a step by step guide to creating the story you desire to be living, so that you know you will reach your happy ever after.

A big part of my mission and my own personal happy ever after story are the books I’ve written with The Author Incubator. By creating a money mindset for success I was able to retire at 32 and pay my bills with the income from my real estate investments. I had the freedom I had always wanted but, while I loved the first year full time in my coaching business, I was not making the difference I wanted to make.

Before finding The Author Incubator I self-published a book I thought would be a hit. It was only downloaded 100 times, I didn’t get any clients from it and I didn’t get any indication that the book was making a difference in people’s lives. The problem was, I didn’t know how to write a book that actually made a difference. So, after writing that book, which wasted about two months of my focus, I wasn’t any better off and neither were the people I longed to serve.

I wanted everyone to know they have the power within them to create their happy ever after, whatever that is for them, but that wasn’t happening for me! I contacted The Author Incubator and, after just one conversation that showed me why my self-published book hadn’t been successful, I started writing Money Mindset For a Champagne Life.

Since The Author Incubator helped me write and publish Money Mindset For A Champagne Life 700 additional people have improved their money mindsets by going through my program. In November 2015 I made 59x November 2014 and doubled my corporate monthly salary. But it’s not just about the money. Almost every day I hear from someone about the impact my work is having on their life. People are living their happily ever after story. They are experiencing more abundance than every before. They are taking leaps and changing their lives because my work has a greater reach in the world. Thinking of the difference that I am making in peoples’ lives makes me smile when I got to sleep at night.

One of my favorite pieces of reader feedback from my first book is a woman who read the book and downloaded a follow-up workbook I provided on my website. As she went through it she realized why she had been blocking her money flow for 20 years. Tragedy struck the last time she was successful with money and deep down she was afraid if she was successful with money something tragic would happen again. She didn’t work that until my book and workbook helped make this clear to her. I also get stories of people who are proudly buying their first investment properties thanks to my second book. I love those! Everyone who does it sends me an email, Facebook message, or tells me personally.

I definitely had my struggles during the writing period. Life came up during my first book, with a large gathering of friends coming into town. I felt I just couldn’t write my final chapter. During my third book I was in the mountains on vacation with good friends. There was no Wi-Fi, so I would get up at 7am every morning and go to the local Starbucks to work on my manuscript and communicate with my editors and the design team. The biggest obstacle I experienced was also during my third book where I tried to show the reader that the Law of Attraction wasn’t always easy for me, and that I had messed up a lot on my path. It felt challenging, and I didn’t understand working with Angela and letting her coach me that the readerneeded to see how I had messed up.

With each book I am regarded more as the go-to expert in my industry. The books have skyrocketed my credibility and positioning in the skill. It differentiated me. I am seen as one of the leading experts and that has changed the way my business feels, the amount of money I make, and most importantly how I see myself.

I didn’t realize how much I had accomplished or how much I knew or how much work I had done on my money mindset until I wrote the book. Putting it all down on paper was like having a mirror that showed me that I am an expert. Seeing myself as an expert made me more confident in sharing what I do and serving my clients. The best business decision I ever made was to write a book with The Author Incubator. It’s taught me so much about how to speak to and serve my clients.

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