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Rush to Beat the Webinar

As you know a few months ago I hired a new head of marketing and things have gone crazy. He does a lot of counterintuitive things. His latest is to have me give away a webinar that is the most comprehensive training video I’ve offered. It cuts through the fluff and tells the truth about how to be successful in the book business. Traffic to this webinar is building and it’s causing another surge in applications to work with us.

In the last 18 months I’ve tripled our program fees to slow down demand and maximize the quality of our work. But the demand hasn’t slowed down-it’s snowballing. Another valuable lesson for me – increasing fees attracts higher potential authors who get more powerful results with their books, and instead of controlling demand it’s made us even more of a magnet for aspiring authors who are ready for the same success.

When I began writing this yesterday I had 7 spots for people who wanted to publish a book this year – now we’re down to 5. I’m going to fill them with the best and most committed aspiring authors I can find. If you are one of them, now is the time to apply before this webinar causes us to close our application process down again.

Also FYI – and I can’t say too much about this yet- in November we are going back to the drawing board to redesign our programs from scratch. Our redesign will create big changes for how we work with authors going forwards. It’s very likely I’ll move us to a completely new and more exclusive model.

Here’s the link to submit your application to write in one of our final programs: 

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