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Re: Weirdest Ever Way to do a Sale

This Monday I launched my 3rd batch of ebooks by 13 Weeks to Published authors. 5 of the 6 authors went to #1 in their Amazon category, the 6th made it to #2. Not a bad way to launch a bunch of books. In fact, all 26 books I have released this way have become Amazon Best Sellers.

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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That makes it sound like it’s easy for me, and it is now; but that’s not always how it was. In fact, you can’t believe how close I came to quitting.

I was scared when I launched this program. I had so many clients who had coached with me and who said I was an amazing coach but then didn’t write their books. I felt like a fraud.

I called myself a book coach but my clients weren’t finishing their books.

Take for instance Janette Dalgliesh. I remember when she signed up for my Book Writing 101 class years ago. She was an eager little beaver when she joined and did all of her homework right away. She was determined to write a book, but after the class, months passed and there was no manuscript. I was stumped. Janette was my ideal client. She knew she wanted to write a book, had great ideas and confidence in her writing, she attended classes and coaching sessions, she did all the homework, she asked great questions. If it wasn’t working for her, it certainly wasn’t going to work for the rest of my clients. She was in the top 1%!

I’m not going to lie. When I figured this out, I when through an extremely dark time and, after some coaching (and heavy drinking), I decided to quit.

I had failed. I charged people for a program. I delivered it. And I wasn’t making good on my promises. I needed to make more money, but I couldn’t, in good conscience, keep selling a program I knew didn’t work.

I prepared my staff to be let go in 30 days and started applying for corporate jobs. I wasn’t giving up in total defeat. I had tried. I did my best. Now it was time to go back to the “real world.” I was being realistic.

But before I quit I had one last “Hail Mary” pass to throw. I slept over at a friend’s house and in the morning I was supposed to write an email to let my clients know I was closing up shop. Instead I wrote an email describing a new program where I would help clients write, publish and promote a 20-100 page ebook in just 13 weeks.

I don’t feel like I created this program as much as I channeled it. The program description flowed off my fingertips without any effort. There were no copy writing classes or business strategy analysis behind this effort. It was pure inspiration.

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

By opting in, you’re joining our vibrant community! Expect 2-3 weekly newsletters packed with curated content, exclusive updates, and valuable insights to fuel your journey. Welcome to the conversation!

I decided if I could get 5 people to sign up for this class I wouldn’t give up my business.

Oh the first day I announced my ebook writing program over 100 people expressed their interest and by the end of the day 10 slots were sold out.

Remember my star student, Janette Dalgliesh? She signed up to work with me again…. And guess what? This time she got her book done, turned it into a best seller and signed up to do it all over again. This summer we are going to take her 2 ebooks and turn them into a full-length traditional print book.

The authors in the 13 Weeks to Published program come to me knowing they want to write a book but often they don’t know much else. In 13 weeks we pick a topic, fine tune it, write the outline together, meet regularly to discuss the status, edit weekly submissions, design the cover and interior, edit and publish the book, promote it and make it a best seller. The program includes absolutely every aspect of preparing to write, writing, publishing and promoting your book.

I am floored by what a huge success it’s been.

We have published fiction, how-to, memoir, self-help, psychology, spirituality, and educational books. I can say for sure we have figured out a formula that works. Every time!

Every book we have launched has been a best seller!

Maybe you are worried what you have to say isn’t important or profound enough. Maybe you are just trying to be realistic about how much time you have. Maybe you think you will be the one person who can’t get this right. I know a lot of 13 Weeks to Published authors felt that way when they started.

I can now say with no hesitation, if you join this program YOU WILL BE A BEST SELLING AUTHOR.

We will do it together. I know how to make it work. I have a system that hasn’t failed me yet.

My next cycle starts June 1 and the books will be complete September 1. (Which is the 2nd best day of the year to launch a book.)

But there is one problem that effects you, I realized I need to change the price of the program. We are just about to head into our second year and we have worked out the kinks and we understand the costs and frankly I am doing this way too cheaply.

I’m raising the price from $2,000 to $3,500 but with our recent launch I haven’t had time. So here’s the deal, if you buy the program before I change the price, you can get it for the old price. Just because I’m running behind, you can save $1,500. That’s a pretty crazy way to do a sale but I really want to start June 1 so we can hit the September 1 goal and I just haven’t had time to fix the sales page.

Here’s the link to sign up….

I can’t say how long this “sale” will last so if you want to get the program at the $2,000 price, you need to sign up ASAP. And if you have a friend who has always wanted to write a book, please forward this email to them.

Love, Light and Visits from the Muses,


Angela_latest_signature_copyP.S. I am really in a race to get the copy rewritten and change the price, so I can’t guarantee it will be $2,000 when you get there. I know it is right now… Click the Join Now button to see…

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from
couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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