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Our first ever scholarship – #blacklivesmatter

anthonysumpterFollowing the Philando Castile and Alton Sterling shootings a month ago I put a post on Facebook offering a full scholarship for a book idea related to #blacklivesmatter, racial inequality, or white privilege.

I received a lot of applications, and am very excited to announce that I’ve awarded the scholarship to Anthony Sumpter from Brooklyn, NY!

The scholarship covers the full investment in The Author Incubators Idea to Done program. In a couple of weeks I will begin to nurture Anthony and his book idea to a finished mansucript.

In his application Anthony explained:

“I want men who have no sense of hope due to poverty to understand that if I can make it thru the struggle, so can they.“

Anthony lived the hardcore streets and, despite many challenges, has become a valued part of his community and family. He is role model to many young men in New York.

Raised in New York City Housing Authority system, Anthony is a veteran of the US Navy and he has worked for the New York City government for nearly a decade, including experience with the Human Resources Administration and the HIV/AIDS Services. He is currently a PhD Candidate at University of New York Queens College.

Anthony was raised in poverty and has committed himself to young men who have lost their self-esteem and need a mentoring book to read to give them aspiration in the black community.

Anthony is active on the Youth Board at DYCD (Department of Youth and Community Development), which runs the city’s summer jobs program. He is also the President of O.A.T.H (Optimum Achievers Take Hold), and he volunteers regularly at the Reiker’s Island correctional facility, empowering inmates with personal growth and leadership skills.

We are proud to make this award to Anthony and look forward to helping him change thousands of lives in New York City and beyond. Indeed, we agree, #blacklivesmatter.

Thank you Anthony for helping us demonstrate our commitment to make a difference in the most important matters facing our world!

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