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Megan Jo Wilson – Book Journeys Author Interview

On this episode of Book Journeys, Pleasance Silicki interviews Megan Jo Wilson, author of Who the F*ck Am I to Be a Coach: A Warrior’s Guide to Building a Business from the Inside Out.

Megan has been a coach ever since she had been formally trained as one thirteen years ago, and she began training coaches, through the Coaches Training Institute, around four or five years ago. It was during the latter that she noticed that, while her colleagues and students were gifted coaches, they lacked the skills and know-how related to marketing and selling, which are necessary to expand and grow a business.  The mindset of coaches doesn’t help, either, in that they usually believe that, because they are the best coach around, their clients will automatically flock to them. This lack of awareness on what it takes to build a business results in coaches not making enough money from their coaching business to even cover their expenses, which leads to frustration and eventually staying with a job they hate, so they could pay their expenses, rather than having a coaching business that enables them to live the kind of lives they want. This situation was what caught Megan’s attention, and Who the F*ck Am I to Be a Coach sprang from her efforts to help her fellow coaches.

Megan felt that she was being guided to write a book when she meditated, and while she usually doesn’t answer to Facebook advertisements she did so on an ad for a webinar held by Angela Lauria. It was shortly after that when Megan joined the Author Incubator program, but she didn’t get settled on writing the book immediately, as she had several ideas in mind. It was after Megan worked with Angela, who helped her focus on something she had been doing for years, that she finally settled on writing Who the F*ck Am I, based on her extensive experiences with coaches.

The blocks Megan experienced during the process were ones which every author faced, where they questioned whether they were the right person to write the book they were writing, and Megan often thought that her book would be torn apart by those who read it. She remarks that writing a book is confronting, as the book will become a permanent document, and that even asking the question if one believes in what one is writing is confronting. That said, as a musician and songwriter, Megan loves writing as well as playing with metaphors and rhymes, so the writing part came easily to her; indeed, she needed to edit out half of her draft to get her final book – which, she admits, was a challenge for the perfectionist within herself.

Megan notes that the concept of the book being a love letter to one’s ideal reader really helped her out, as did the accountability inherent in the Author Incubator program, which helped keep her on track through all the distractions she experienced during the process. She also remarks that successful people are willing to look like fools in public to serve others, and that that also applied to her when it comes to helping coaches succeed in their businesses.


Listen to the Megan Jo Wilson Interview on Book Journeys Radio

Interview Transcript: Megan Jo Wilson – Book Journeys Author Interview

DOWNLOAD the PDF: Book Journeys Author Interview – Megan Jo Wilson

Watch out for the next Book Journeys interview with another exciting author.

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