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It’s Time for a Change. . .


This past week we hosted a Difference Press Summit which helps our authors market their books.



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One of the pieces of feedback we have received from the Summit is that our authors want more than just to write a book – they want to start a movement with their message. So very soon we’re going to start a program that goes deep and wide with every author who has that mission, working with each more closely and for significantly longer as we support them well into their post-launch book marketing strategy.

The other piece of feedback we got is that the authors wished they had access to the information in the Difference Press Summit BEFORE they wrote their books, to help focus them in a different way during their writing process (your next opportunity to do this is October 16th-18th).

I’ve thought long and hard about all this, and after the program that begins in October I’m going to incorporate all this feedback and double down on every author we work with, staying with each one for longer and mentoring them through every stage of their publishing AND book marketing process. My team tells me that the investment is gonna double (at least) for what I want to deliver. But I know that the results for each author will at the very least double, too.

So if you want to get in before our prices go up — and have the opportunity to come to what is likely to be the last Difference Press Summit for a while before you write your book — now is the time to apply…

Click here to talk to my acquisitions team.

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