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How to Get a Literary Agent (and 6 Resources to Help Your Search!)

If you’re an aspiring author hoping to publish your book through a traditional publishing house, learning how to get a literary agent is crucial. Literary agents act as gatekeepers to the traditional publishing industry, helping to match authors with the right publishers and negotiating the best possible deals on their behalf.

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The process of securing a literary agent can be challenging. But with persistence, research, and a strong query letter and book proposal, you can increase your chances of success.

Let’s walk through the key steps involved in finding and connecting with the right literary agent for your book—and then explore six resources to help you on your search!

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Understanding the Role of a Literary Agent

When you’re trying to figure out how to get a literary agent, it’s crucial to understand their role in the publishing process. Literary agents are essentially salespeople for your book. They act as intermediaries between you, the author, and potential publishers. Just like real estate agents who help homeowners sell their properties, literary agents help authors sell their manuscripts to publishing houses.

Literary Agents as Salespeople for Your Book

A literary agent’s primary job is to pitch your book to publishers. Then, they negotiate the best possible deal on your behalf. They typically have established relationships with editors and publishing houses. This gives them an advantage when it comes to getting your manuscript in front of the right people. Agents understand the market and know which publishers are most likely to be interested in your work.

The relationship between authors and literary agents is similar to that of homeowners and real estate agents. When you hire a real estate agent to sell your house, they assess its value. They suggest improvements to make it more attractive to buyers, and then actively market the property to potential purchasers. Similarly, when you sign with a literary agent, they evaluate your book’s potential. They offer guidance on how to improve your proposal and manuscript, and then pitch your work to publishers they believe will be a good fit.

The Agent’s Goal: To Make Money by Selling Your Book

It’s important to remember that literary agents are in the business of making money. They typically earn a 15% commission on the deals they negotiate for their clients. This means that an agent only makes money when they sell your book to a publisher. As a result, agents are selective about the authors they choose to represent. They want to work with writers who have a compelling book idea, a well-crafted proposal, and a strong platform or marketing plan.

When you’re learning how to get a literary agent, keep in mind that they are looking for projects that they believe will be profitable. By understanding the role of literary agents and their motivation, you can better position yourself. You can let your work attract their attention and ultimately secure representation.

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Crafting a Compelling Book Proposal

One of the most critical elements of getting an agent is creating a compelling book proposal. A book proposal is essentially a business plan for your book. It’s a document that outlines your book idea, target audience, market potential, and promotional strategy. Your proposal is your chance to convince an agent that your book is worth their time and effort to represent.

What is a Book Proposal?

A book proposal is a comprehensive document that typically ranges from 50 to 60 pages. It consists of several key components that provide agents and publishers with a clear understanding of your book’s concept, marketability, and your ability to write and promote it effectively.

Key Components of a Proposal

  1. What the book is about. This section includes a brief synopsis of your book, a detailed chapter outline, and a few sample chapters. You need to clearly convey your book’s main idea. This is its unique angle. And you need to convey how it differs from other titles in the market.
  2. Why you are the right person to write it. In this section, you’ll provide information about your background, expertise, and platform. You must demonstrate that you have the credentials, experience, and knowledge to write authoritatively on your book’s subject matter.
  3. How you plan to market and sell the book. Agents and publishers want to know that you have a solid plan for promoting your book. This section should include information about your target audience. It also covers your existing platform (such as social media following, email list, or professional network), and any marketing strategies you plan to employ.

READ MORE: Book Proposal 101: Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

Sample Chapters and the Importance of Editing

In addition to the proposal itself, you’ll need to include a few sample chapters that showcase your writing style and the overall tone of your book. These chapters should be polished and well-edited, as they will give agents a sense of your writing abilities. Consider hiring a professional editor to review your sample chapters before submitting your proposal.

Remember, a compelling book proposal is a key component in learning how to get a literary agent. By crafting a well-organized, thoughtfully written, and persuasive proposal, you’ll increase your chances of catching an agent’s attention and securing representation for your book.

Writing a Query Letter That Gets Attention

Another crucial step to getting a literary agent is writing a compelling query letter. A query letter is a one-page pitch that introduces your book idea and yourself to a potential agent. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression and convince the agent to request your full book proposal.

What Is a Query Letter?

A query letter is a concise, professional letter that typically consists of three to four paragraphs. Its purpose is to entice the agent to want to learn more about your book and consider representing you. The query letter should be engaging, well-written, and tailored to the specific agent you are contacting.

How to Summarize Your Book Proposal in a Query Letter

In your query letter, you’ll need to condense the key elements of your book proposal into a few compelling paragraphs. Start with a strong hook that immediately grabs the agent’s attention. Then, provide a brief synopsis of your book, highlighting its unique angle and target audience. You should also include a short author bio that showcases your relevant experience and platform. Finally, close with a polite request for the agent to consider your full proposal.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Query Letter

  1. Research the agent. Make sure you’re querying agents who represent books in your genre and are currently open to submissions.
  2. Personalize each letter. Address the agent by name and mention any specific reasons why you think they would be a good fit for your book.
  3. Keep it concise. Stick to one page and focus on the most essential information.
  4. Showcase your writing skills. Your query letter should be well-written, error-free, and engaging.
  5. Follow submission guidelines. Each agency has its own submission requirements, so be sure to follow them carefully.

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The Goal: Getting Agents to Request Your Full Proposal

The ultimate goal of your query letter is to get agents interested enough to request your full book proposal. If an agent likes your query, they will typically respond with a request to see the full manuscript. This is a crucial step in learning how to get a literary agent, as it means you’ve successfully captured their attention.

Remember, a well-crafted query letter is essential to catching an agent’s eye and moving one step closer to securing representation. Take the time to refine your query and tailor it to each agent you contact to increase your chances of success.

Finding the Right Literary Agents to Query

One of the most important aspects of learning how to get a literary agent is identifying the right agents to approach. Not all agents represent every genre or style of writing. Therefore, it’s crucial to do your research and target your queries to agents who are the best fit for your work.

Researching Agents Who Represent Your Genre

Start by looking for agents who have experience representing books similar to yours. You can find this information through various resources, such as:

  1. Literary agency websites: Most agencies list their agents and the genres they represent on their websites.
  2. Publisher’s Marketplace: This online database allows you to search for agents by genre and see their recent deals.
  3. Acknowledgments sections in books: Many authors thank their agents in the acknowledgments section of their books. If you find a book similar to yours, check to see if the author mentions their agent.
  4. Writer’s conferences and workshops: Attending these events can provide opportunities to meet agents in person and learn about their interests.

Personalization and Targeting Your Queries

Once you’ve identified agents who might be a good fit for your book, it’s essential to personalize your queries. This means more than just addressing the agent by name. It involves demonstrating that you’ve done your research and have a compelling reason for reaching out to them specifically.

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In your query letter, mention any recent deals or authors the agent has represented that align with your work. This shows that you’ve taken the time to learn about their interests and believe your book would be a good fit for their list.

Following Submission Guidelines

Another crucial aspect of targeting your queries is following each agency’s submission guidelines. These guidelines can vary widely, with some agents preferring email submissions. Some others require queries to be sent through online forms or postal mail.

Be sure to carefully review each agency’s guidelines and follow them to the letter. Failing to adhere to these instructions can result in your query being automatically rejected. (Yes, regardless of the quality of your writing or the strength of your book idea.)

Remember, finding the right literary agents to query is a key step in learning how to get a literary agent. Remember: research agents who represent your genre. Personalize your queries. And follow submission guidelines. Do these three things and you’ll increase your chances of catching an agent’s attention and ultimately securing representation for your book.

The Timeline and Financial Realities of Working with an Agent

It’s essential to understand the timeline and financial realities of the publishing process. Securing an agent is just the first step in a long journey. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations about how long it will take and how you’ll support yourself financially during this time.

How Long the Process Typically Takes

The process of landing a literary agent and getting your book published can be lengthy. Once you have a polished query letter and book proposal, it can take several months to a year to secure an agent. This is because agents receive a high volume of submissions and need time to review each one carefully.

After you sign with an agent, they will likely work with you to refine your proposal and manuscript. This process can take several more months. Once your book is submitted to publishers, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to receive an offer. If your book is acquired, the publication process itself can take an additional year or two.

Advances and Payments: When to Expect Them

One of the benefits of working with a traditional publisher is the potential to receive an advance against future royalties. An advance is a lump sum paid to the author before the book is published. The amount of the advance varies widely depending on factors such as the book’s genre, the author’s platform, and the publisher’s enthusiasm for the project.

Advances are typically paid in installments. The first is typically paid upon signing the contract, another portion paid when the manuscript is accepted, and a final portion paid upon publication. However, it’s important to note that advances are not guaranteed. Many first-time authors receive modest advances or none at all.

The Importance of Having a Plan to Support Yourself Financially

Given the lengthy timeline and the uncertainty of advances, it’s crucial to have a plan in place to support yourself financially while pursuing publication. Many authors maintain a day job or freelance work to cover their expenses during this time.

It’s also a good idea to set aside a budget for expenses related to the publishing process. These can include attending conferences, hiring an editor, or building an author website. While some of these expenses may be tax-deductible, it’s important to be prepared for the upfront costs.

Remember, understanding the timeline and financial realities of working with an agent is an essential part of learning how to get a literary agent. Have realistic expectations and a solid plan in place. You’ll be better equipped to navigate the publishing process and ultimately achieve your goals as an author.

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Alternatives to Traditional Publishing

While many authors dream of landing a traditional publishing deal, it’s important to remember that there are alternative paths to getting your book into the hands of readers. When you’re learning how to get a literary agent, it’s also worth considering other publishing options to determine the best fit for your book and your goals as an author.

Self-Publishing: Pros and Cons

Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the rise of digital platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and IngramSpark. With self-publishing, authors retain complete control over the publishing process, from editing and design to pricing and distribution.

One of the main advantages of self-publishing is the ability to get your book to market quickly, often within a matter of months. Self-published authors also earn a higher percentage of royalties than traditionally published authors. However, self-publishing also means taking on all the responsibilities and costs associated with production, marketing, and distribution.

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Hybrid Publishing Models

Hybrid publishing is a middle ground between traditional and self-publishing. In this model, authors typically pay for some or all of the publishing services, such as editing, design, and distribution, but the hybrid publisher may offer additional support, such as marketing and sales assistance.

Hybrid publishers are selective about the projects they take on, and they may offer higher royalties than traditional publishers. However, it’s important to carefully research hybrid publishers and ensure they have a track record of success and a good reputation within the industry.

Deciding What’s Right for Your Book and Goals

When considering alternatives to traditional publishing, it’s essential to think about your specific goals for your book. If your primary aim is to get your book into the hands of as many readers as possible, and you’re comfortable taking on the responsibilities of publishing and marketing, self-publishing may be a good option.

If you’re looking for a more collaborative approach and are willing to invest some money upfront, hybrid publishing could be a good fit. Ultimately, the right path for your book will depend on a variety of factors, including your budget, your target audience, and your long-term career goals as an author.

Remember, while learning how to get a literary agent is one path to publication, it’s not the only option available. By carefully considering alternatives like self-publishing and hybrid publishing, you can make an informed decision about the best way to bring your book to life and reach your target readers.

BONUS: 6 Resources to Help You Find and Connect with Literary Agents

When you’re learning how to get a literary agent, having the right resources at your fingertips can make all the difference. From databases of agent listings to online communities where you can connect with other writers, there are a variety of tools available to help you find and reach out to potential agents.

1. Writer’s Digest

Writer’s Digest is a well-known magazine and website that offers a wealth of resources for writers, including an annual guide to literary agents. This comprehensive directory includes listings for hundreds of agents, along with information about their interests, submission guidelines, and contact details. You can find the guide in most bookstores or libraries, or purchase a copy online.

2. Acknowledgement Sections of Books

One often-overlooked resource for finding literary agents is the acknowledgement section of books in your genre. Many authors thank their agents in this section, providing a glimpse into who represents work similar to yours. Make a habit of checking the acknowledgements in books you admire, and note down any agent names that crop up repeatedly.

3. is a website that offers a range of editorial services for writers, but they also provide a helpful newsletter called “Literary Agent Alerts.” For a small monthly fee, you can receive a curated list of agents who are actively seeking new clients in your genre. This can be a great way to stay on top of new opportunities and target your queries more effectively.

4. Twitter/X Hashtag #MSWL (Manuscript Wish List)

Many literary agents use Twitter/X to connect with potential clients and share information about the kinds of projects they’re looking for. The hashtag #MSWL (short for “Manuscript Wish List”) is a great way to find agents who are actively seeking work in your genre. Try searching for #MSWL along with keywords related to your book, and see if any agents pop up who might be a good fit.


In addition to the Twitter/X hashtag, there’s also a website called that compiles agent wish lists from across the web. You can search the site by genre, agent name, or keyword, and get a sense of what kinds of projects different agents are looking for. This can be a great way to refine your agent search and target your queries more effectively.


While isn’t a resource for finding agents per se, it’s an invaluable tool for learning how to write a winning query letter. The site features real query letters that have been critiqued by an experienced literary agent, along with tips and advice on how to make your query stand out in the slush pile. By studying the examples on the site and applying the feedback to your own queries, you can increase your chances of catching an agent’s attention and landing that all-important request for your full manuscript.

Are You Ready to Get a Literary Agent?

Learning how to get a literary agent is a multi-faceted process that requires research, preparation, and persistence. By crafting a compelling query letter and book proposal, targeting the right agents for your work, and being prepared for the financial realities of the publishing timeline, you can increase your chances of securing representation.

Remember that the path to publication is often a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t be discouraged if you face rejection along the way. Keep refining your materials, exploring alternative publishing options, and seeking guidance from the many resources available to aspiring authors.

With dedication and hard work, you can make your publishing dreams a reality.

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