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Is a Literary Agent Worth the Hype?

If you have ever ventured into the world of book publishing, then chances are you’ve heard about literary agents. But what exactly is a literary agent? And are they even necessary to get your precious words out into the world? If you’ve ever wondered how to find a literary agent, if you need one to get one of those lucrative six-figure book deals, or how much of your soul you have to sell in order to get an agent, then you’re in the right place. This article breaks down the agent dilemma to help you decide the best path for your book.

What Is a Literary Agent?

Before determining if a literary agent is essential to your publishing goals, it’s important to understand the role of an agent.

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Literary agents work to sell authors’ book proposals or finished manuscripts to publishers. If they secure a book deal on your behalf, they receive a cut of the pie, usually around 15 percent of royalties or your advance as payment. 

Think of it this way… literary agents are a lot like real estate agents. A real estate agent agrees to represent a home for an undetermined period of time in which they will not get paid, with the understanding that they will eventually get paid when the house sells.

Now, if we think about literary agents this way, then it’s better to understand why literary agents can seem so picky.

Imagine you are a real estate agent. You just passed your final exam and you’re ready to hit the ground running, and there are two homes you can choose to represent.

What Is a Literary Agent?

House Number One is a gorgeous three-bedroom, two-bathroom townhouse in Santa Monica, a block away from the beach. Freshly built and right next to the Third Street Promenade, this property is bound to be attractive to young professionals wanting to be close to the hub of Santa Monica and, most importantly, are willing to spend a pretty penny to live in their dream home.

House Number Two is a three-bedroom, one-bathroom condo in Inglewood right next to the airport. There are few amenities, and the constant air traffic is enough to drive any hearing individual crazy.

Now, if you’re a smart real estate agent, you’re going to choose to represent the home that has the highest chances of selling, right?


Same goes for literary agents.

All good literary agents want to represent the hottest properties.

But What Does a Literary Agent Do?

Some key responsibilities of literary agents include:

  • Developing relationships with acquisitions editors at publishing houses  
  • Negotiating your book deal terms like advance amount and royalty percentage
  • Helping prep your book proposal or manuscript to increase salability 
  • Providing career management like consulting on your next book ideas

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The idea is that their connections and expertise can get you better book deals than you may be able to negotiate on your own as an unpublished author. But it’s important to understand that like real estate agents, literary agents only get paid if they sell your book to a publisher. They aren’t running charities and need to be strategic about spending time pitching books they believe will sell.

So, What Makes Your Book a Hot Property?

Just as a literary agent seeks authors with bestseller potential, you must convince them your book can deliver sales. Remember, agents work on commission – no income, no motivation to pitch tirelessly on your behalf.

Ideally you want an agent salivating to represent your project over wasting time querying unresponsive gatekeepers. How do you become that irresistible prospect?

Celebrity Status Sells

Fame already equates to readers. If you have a massive social media platform, email list, reality show, or other existing spotlight, flaunt it. Nothing piques agent interest like a built-in target audience numbering seven figures strong.

Of course very few achieve Beyoncé-level renown, but any impressive credentials qualifying you as an industry expert make for great hook. Quantify your qualifications to awe agents seeking expert authorities.

Perhaps you hold advanced Ivy League degrees in your field. Lead a related nonprofit serving thousands. Have exclusive access to information making you the definitive voice on your topic. Anything proving extensive mastery shows you’ll sell books, not just write them.

Concept Originality Grabs Attention

Hot real estate boasts amenities setting it apart from cookie-cutter developments packed tightly together. Your book concept must similarly stand out from the thousands of pitches bombarding overwhelmed agents.

Uncover fresh angles breathing new life into tired genres. Spot underexplored market niches where pent-up demand awaits the right voice. Locate the junction between entertainment and education where books fly off shelves.

Most importantly, make your concept’s commercial viability obvious. Spell out the target demographics, comparables proving reader interest, and existing content gaps begging for your book’s answers. Do the heavy lifting so the agent visualizes sales potential immediately.

Of course stellar writing chops provide the essential foundation upholding brilliant positioning and platforms. Partner fledgling skills with an ace ghostwriter or developmental editor to ensure prose matches concept.

Ultimately agents yearn for turnkey packages – authors with crackling ideas, direct access to eager buyers, and skills delivering the literary goods. Position yourself as their passive income dream by checking all three boxes.

Are Literary Agents Necessary for Getting a Book Deal?  

Are Literary Agents Necessary for Getting a Book Deal?  

The short answer is: not always, but usually. Most major publishers only accept manuscript submissions that come from literary agents. So if your dream is to land a traditional publishing book deal with one of the “Big Five” publishers, literary representation is practically required. You need someone with connections pitching your book.

However, smaller independent and academic presses may be more open to reviewing submissions directly from authors. If you take the time to thoroughly research submission guidelines, you could potentially score a book deal without agent representation. Just know that you’ll still be responsible for negotiating your own contract. 

How Do You Get a Literary Agent?

Securing a literary agent is notoriously challenging. Top agents receive hundreds of pitches per week and typically only sign a handful of new clients per year from those piles of queries.  

Here are a few tips for catching a literary agent’s attention:

  • Highlight any impressive credentials related to your book’s subject matter. Whether you have advanced degrees, celebrity status, or special access related to your topic, flaunt your platform.  
  • Emphasize an existing audience. If you have a massive social media following or email list, make sure agents know about your built-in readership. Literary agents want to ensure your book will sell.
  • Pitch a big commercial concept. Agents want ideas they’ll be confident selling to acquisition editors. Unique angles on popular topics can grab their interest since they know there is existing demand.    

Essentially, you must convince the agent they can sell your book to a publisher for a solid advance. They work on commission, so that factors heavily into what projects they take on. You need to sell them on why your book is a safe bet.

To source through the different agents available, resources like are a great starting point.

What are the Potential Downsides to Literary Agents?

While an agented book deal is ideal for earning a large advance from a traditional publisher, seeking representation does come with some drawbacks. 

The query process itself can be disheartening. Many agents state that they only want previously published authors because they know there’s already a market demand. Unpublished authors face constant rejection.  

There’s also no guarantee that even if you do get signed, your agent will succeed in selling your book. They may pitch for awhile before ultimately giving up if there are no bites from publishers. This means months wasted where your book could have been sitting on submission piles. Worse, you may then feel obligated to do a less-than-ideal deal just so your agent gets paid something for their time.  

It’s key to make sure your agent feels personally invested in you and your work. They should provide editorial feedback to improve your proposal and actively fight to get you the best possible book deal, not just throw up their hands after a few rounds of submissions. 

Finally, the cut of your advance and royalties can feel steep, especially if your agent isn’t proactively promoting you and your writing career. Make sure you understand exactly what effort and support you can expect before signing any agency agreements.

So, Are Literary Agents Worth the Hype?

At the end of the day, partnering with a knowledgeable, connected literary agent gives you the best shot at accessing those coveted “Big Five” publishers and scoring a lucrative book deal. Assuming you vibe well with the agent and they show sincere excitement about your concept, representation is likely worth pursuing.  

However, continually submitting directly to independent presses could pay off too. Just have realistic expectations about the potential compensation. You may be better off with a book coach or manager guiding you than an agent who loses interest.

Weigh all your options, do your due diligence on agents you consider signing with, and trust your instincts. Reflect honestly on what you most want from publishing – major distribution to the masses? Prestigious name recognition? Maximum profit? Then make the choice that aligns with your personal end goal, whether that includes traditional publishing or self-publishing approaches.   

The key is tuning out any overwhelming hype and pressure. Focus on what feels right for your unique book and desired writing future as you navigate the publishing journey. whether you determine that does or doesn’t include eventual literary agent representation.

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