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February Difference Makers Showcase

We are so excited to celebrate another group of transformational authors who have released brand new books into the world, just in the last month! If nothing else, last year showed us all that the world needs healing and change—the time is NOW, and we’re so proud of our authors who are standing in their power to put transformation into practice.

This month our authors released 18 books, covering topics ranging from relationships to healing. For more on their powerful messages, check out the interview below—then keep scrolling for free gifts and offers each author is making available for a limited time!

Watching the interviews you can really feel the raw energy that each of these authors have for their missions, their readers, and for each other. Here at The Author Incubator we strive to give these change-makers a community with the space to become their best and most empowered selves, and this group of authors shows how powerful community can be.

Becoming an author is about more than putting words on a page—it’s a series of individual acts of bravery that puts you closer and closer to readers whose problems you can solve.

The technical pieces (like your structure, formatting, audience, and book topic) tend to fall into place with the right kind of guidance—but the kind of support required to put yourself out there and create a truly transformational book is hard to come by! Most aspiring authors—even those who know exactly what they want to write and who they’re writing for—never find it, which might explain why over 98% of Americans who WANT to write a book, never do.

Writing a book is very rarely the solitary act it’s romanticized to be. Watching the interviews above, you’ll hear many of these authors describe how they benefitted from having the support of our huge team of coaches, editors, marketers, and project managers behind them—but we can never discount the impact of working alongside a group of like-minded change-makers.

If you’re set on isolating yourself in a cabin in a forest for an extended period of time, we wish you the best of luck! But if you’re interested in joining and contributing to a strong community of leaders who can help you write a truly transformational book in a few short months, these authors are living proof that there’s another option open to you.

While this month is officially sold out for our next group of authors, we always save three spots for applicants who have attended the monthly broadcast. If you’ve gotten to this point, we know you have the level of motivation we’re looking for in new authors, so if you apply using the link on this page we’ll bump you to the front of the application cue.

If you’re ready to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page—with the help of a dedicated team of professionals and a network of healers and entrepreneurs to support you on your journey—we’d love to hear about how YOU want to change the world in the way that only you can.

Just go to




And now, please enjoy some messages and gifts from the authors featured this month:

Allison L. Brown
Unleash Your Power Through Reiki: The Guide to This Energetic Healing Art
Dear reader, thank you for downloading my book! Thank you for holding my story and exploring your own.

I appreciate you for taking the time to download my book. As a way to say thank you, I would like to offer you a free class and simple manual on how to implement Gassho Rei as well as how to bless both food and water with the loving energy of Reiki.

To get your class link and manual, reach out via e-mail and I will send you a link for a free class, as well as the manual that you can use to help you begin taking your very first steps toward your path of working with Reiki so you may begin your journey and start using this healing art in your everyday life.

Download my book here:

Amy R. Carpenter
Be Strong, Be Wise: 5 Easy Steps to Discussing Sexual Ethics with Teens
Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to download this book and for being a source of support to the young people in your life.

Discussing sexual safety can be overwhelming, which is why I created the Be Strong, Be Wise Master Program. The program provides the tools for discussing sexual ethics in a way that empowers teens and young adults to develop confident, fulfilling relationships.

If you’d like more information, please reach out via our website.

In Safety, The Be Strong, Be Wise Team

Download my book here:

Shelia Craig Whiteman, PT DPT CLT
Stop Worrying about Bladder Leaks: The Guide to Overcoming Urinary Incontinence 
I hope Stop Worrying About Bladder Leaks helps give you a better understanding of how leaks occur and what you can do about them. Remember, to reduce your bladder leaks consistency is the key. Once you find the right program that will help, stay with it, it takes time to begin to see results. Don’t get discouraged!

To help you I would like to offer you a forty-minute class to help you get started. If you are interested in this offer, email me. I will send you a link to access your free class.

Download my book here:

Stephanie Jones
BOSS LADY Real Estate Agent: Show Up, Stand Out, and Rule the Market (Like a Girl)
You downloaded the book. Thank you for accepting your own potential. I see you, and I am thankful for you.

I mention accountability multiple times throughout the book, and I am very passionate about making sure that you stay on course to build your future. I want to offer you a free online class to further your movement toward your dream life. Visit my Facebook page for a free video class and your next steps! Make sure to Like, Follow, and Share!

Download my book here:

Duncan McCollum D.C.
Turn Back Your Biological Clock: Your Ultimate Guide to Better Health and Longevity 
Thank you for taking the time to download this book. Feel free to email me and connect.

Download my book here:

Nicole Nguyen Van Binh
Unconventional Healing: The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Fibromyalgia Symptoms 
I thank my readers for their trust and for taking the time to download this book. I hope that this work will help you find the spark within you to embark on a healing journey like no other.

I offer you a powerful thirty-to forty-minute guided chakra meditation with seed mantras that I recorded. It will send you into deep calmness and activate your seven energetic centers. You can use it every day or until you become a pro at it! Send me an email, and I will gladly send it to you. Please mention Unconventional Healing in the subject line.

Download my book here:

Clarisa Romero
The Fearless Entrepreneur: Break through the Corporate Mindset and Start Your Dream Business
Since you downloaded this book, I know you are committed to doing the work required to make emotionally intelligent decisions. Adopting new habits and ways of thinking is a process and I want to support you as much as possible.

To receive your free 7 Steps to Practice Brain Fitness or to order The Mindful Planner: Hack Your Day for Productivity email me. I would love to learn more about your journey and success in pursuing your dream business. Please keep in touch. You can find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Download my book here:

Dr. Karen Wade
Clinician Retention Strategies: The Healthcare Executive’s Guide to Leading through the Storm and Keeping Your Vital Staff 
First of all, I want to thank you for your service during this challenging time in healthcare.

For more information and some (free) bonus materials related to this topic, visit my website. You will also find a contact form at this site if you would like to discuss working directly with me. I’m certified in the use of specialized leadership and resilience assessment tools that can provide support for you and/or your leadership team.

Sincerest regards, Karen

Download my book here:

Sue Williams
A Jesus I Can Follow: Do I Leave the Church or Do I Stay? 
Thank you for taking this journey into what the traditional Church might label as heresy. If you made it this far, I know this is a journey you won’t soon give up. As a thank you, I created a short video to affirm your courage and commitment to finding the Jesus the Church never talks about. Email me and I will send you a copy.

As you know, following Jesus is a lifelong journey, and it is better shared with others. I would love to hear more about the peaks and valleys, the resting places, those on the journey with you, the “a-ha!” moments, and the moments of not seeing the next step.

Download my book here:

Freda R. Wilson
Building Relationships That Last: The Guide to Mutually Fulfilling Love
I appreciate each and every one of you downloaded this book and committed to reading it. You rock!

As a thank you, I have created a free mini training that will provide more encouragement and support. Signup here and indicate you are requesting the free training that is offered in Building Relationships That Last.

Freda Wilson’s Life and Relationship Coaching Services and her relationship programs are offered virtually and in person.

Download my book here:

Veronica Anderson, MD
Too Smart to Be Struggling: The Guide for Over-Scheduled Doctors to Find Happiness (And Make More Money, Too) 
Thank you so much for listening to my book.

As a token of my appreciation, I would like you to have my Be Honest Assessment. This is the quick-start guide to lead you to make changes in your life. The first step to real change toward happiness (and making more money, too) is for you to admit that you don’t have a path and that you need someone to help you. So, I am helping you right now. My desire is for you to feel joyful because you are doing your life’s purpose.

I would love to hear from you about how this book has made a difference in your life and also how the Be Honest Assessment allowed you to take the first steps.

You can email me, message me on Facebook or LinkedIn, or send a note to me through my website.

With Gratitude, Love, and Joy
Dr. Veronica Anderson

Buy my audiobook here:

Tyler John Buechler
So Start I.T. Now!: 8 Simple Steps to Take Your Business Idea from Dream to Reality 
Thank you so much for listening to my book. I genuinely appreciate it, and I hope it inspired you to take action on your dreams. There’s never a better time than now to make the changes in your life you desire most.

My dream for you and everyone that has a desire to do something great is that you will find the motivation and the courage to do it. There is never a better time than the present to go after what you want most in life. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from taking chances and achieving the most in your life.

If you want to know more don’t hesitate to email me and ask any questions you have. Thank you again and God bless.

Buy my audiobook here:

Donna Marie Cozine, ED.D.
So, You Want to Be a Superintendent?: Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be  
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!

Thank you for choosing to devote your career to the service of others and educate our future leaders. Now that you’ve read this book, you know that by focusing on your leadership DRIVERS, you can ascend to the highest position in your school district or educational organization. You can become a superintendent!

As a personal thank you, I’ve created a video class that highlights the leadership DRIVERS and how you can work to develop yours. Sign up for your free class by email. Take time to sit back, relax, and let me guide you on beginning of a wonderful journey. What do you have to lose?

In Love and Friendship,

Buy my audiobook here:

Dr. Jessica Drummond
Outsmart Endometriosis: Relieve Your Symptoms and Get Your Career Back on Track 
Thank you so much for listening to Outsmart Endometriosis. I hope that you enjoyed learning about this complete, integrative method for managing your endometriosis symptoms so you can grab hold of career and life opportunities as they come to you! I hope that you feel more empowered and have a clearer plan for your healing journey and career path.

As my gift to you, get your complete bonus package here. Your complete bonus package includes your Web of Support Guide, recommended lab testing and supplement resources, a full color printable recipe guide, sexual health resources, and much more! Stay in touch via my website, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Buy my audiobook here:

Julie Ann Ford
From Borderline to Baseline: 9 Key Steps to Manage Your BPD and Start Loving Your Life
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for listening to my book! And, thank you, again, for not giving up on yourself and quitting before you made it all the way through. I have heard it said before, and it is worth repeating here, no one ever said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it. From my own personal recovery experience, I could not agree with that statement more!

I believe, you were meant to find this book, and with those two things, I would like to offer up a third for you to consider. Once you begin implementing FORDitude in your life, you can keep in touch with me on Facebook or email. My questions to you are what do you think is the worst thing that can happen to you? What if things improve for you?

Let’s start you loving your life today!

Buy my audiobook here:

Vera LaRee
Drop the Diet, Drop the Weight: Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss
Thank you for listening to this book and for allowing me to share my ideas with you!

As a way to say thank you, I have a free video class for you that is a companion to this book. Sign up here.

Also, if you need help with your weight struggle issues, you can sign up for a free consultation with me by filling out a request form here, or you can email me.

Buy my audiobook here:

Cynthia Lombardo
Invention Protection Strategies: Expose Your Intellectual Property and Fund Your Startup
Thank you for listening to my book! I hope you found value in the concepts provided. Should you want to reach out to me contact me via my website or instagram!

Buy my audiobook here:

Kim Weaver
Death Is Not Goodbye: Connect with Your Loved Ones Again
Thank you so much for listening to my book. If you’ve made it this far, you are well on your way to connecting to your loved ones by putting the C.O.N.N.E.C.T.E.D. process into action.

I would love to hear more about your journey and successes. Please keep in touch. I’m most active on Facebook and on Instagram.

For information about my ten week spiritual coaching program, connect with me through my website.


Buy my audiobook here:



Thanks so much for joining us in celebrating these authors’ achievements! Check out their books and offerings, share them with the people in your life who might need them now more than ever, and we’ll see you next month for another Difference Maker Showcase. :)

Love, Light, and Blessings from all the Muses,
The Author Incubator

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