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A gift for you



Seven years ago I gave birth to my amazing and sweet son Jesse. Today has been filled with celebration and I wanted to share some of that with you.


When in work with authors in transformation, we talk a lot about how writing a book is a lot like giving birth. Jesse was my inspiration for creating my Birth Your Book Tool Kit.

Writing a book is a big endeavor – like pregnancy – and once you give birth, your book becomes a part of your life and your legacy. It’s a major before-and-after moment.

So in honor of my baby boy, I want you to take my Birth Your Book Tool Kit and explore the option of having your own “baby”. The kit will walk you through the process…Think of it as a “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” guide to becoming an author. When you know the steps it’s never as scary!

Get your copy of the kit today and raise a glass to my son! I know I will!!!

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