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Questions to Ask Self-Publishing Companies

There are self-publishing companies that have good reputations and those that don’t. So, how can you tell the difference between the two? Here is a mixture of the important questions to ask self-publishing companies and the ones we wish people would ask. Some of these will lead to more questions, but they should set you on the right path.

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What are your biggest concerns about self-publishing? Is it quality control? How much money you’ll make? Or choosing the right company to work with? These are valid concerns and important factors to consider when deciding.

What are Some Important Questions to Ask Self-Publishing Companies?

When considering whether to submit your manuscript to a publishing house, it is important to inquire about their printing process. Some houses use print-on-demand, meaning each book is only printed when there is an order. Other houses do print runs, where they will print a certain number of books all at once, even if there are no orders for them yet. Knowing which method the publishing house uses will give you a better idea of the kind of operation they are.

Larger publishers usually have their storage and distribution facilities, so they are usually more willing to offer print runs. This can be a big advantage for authors who are looking to get their books into the hands of as many readers as possible. Many small publishers don’t have the resources to print large numbers of books at once, so they use a print-on-demand service, which is more cost-effective than printing many books upfront. If they go out of their way to avoid answering this question, it might be because they are trying to appear like they’re bigger than they are.

Which Locations Will Sell Your Book?

Suppose you’re self-publishing a book, one of the decisions you’ll have to make is what type of print to choose. Depending on the type of print you choose, could influence where your book is sold. If you want to sell your book worldwide on Amazon, for example, you’ll likely need to select a print option that will allow Amazon to ship your book internationally—working with a printer that offers international shipping options.

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IngramSpark is an online retailer that supplies other online bookshops using print-on-demand. This means that instead of having a large inventory of books that may or may not sell, they print the book only when an order is placed. This allows them to offer a wider selection of titles and eliminates the risk of being stuck with unsold books. Bricks-and-mortar shops usually buy products on a sale or return basis, which means they can return unsold merchandise to the supplier. This wouldn’t work with print on demand, as the shop would lose money if it didn’t sell.

Do You Own the Rights?

If you sign away the publishing rights to your book, the company you signed with is the only one who can publish your work and you will not be able to publish your book through any other means. It is important to consider all of your options before signing away the rights to your book as this can be restrictive and may not be in your best interests.

If you’re not happy with your current publisher, you can choose to publish your book elsewhere when the rights expire. If you still own the rights, you have the option to find a new publisher that better suits your needs. Don’t be stuck with something that makes you unhappy – exercise your rights and find a publishing situation that makes you content.

Do They Engage in Marketing?

This is another crucial part of the questions to ask self-publishing companies. If you would like assistance with marketing your book, then make sure to find a company that offers this service. On the other hand, if you feel confident in your ability to market your book, then select a company that allows you to take on this task yourself.

When you’re talking to potential publishers, it’s important to ask about their definition of marketing. Some publishers might simply consider making the book available for purchase as marketing, while others might take a more active role in promoting the book. By understanding what the publisher considers marketing, you can get a better sense of what kind of support they’ll be able to provide.

Do They Provide Custom or Pre-Made Designs?

Different self-publishing companies offer different types of design, all of which affect your final book’s overall quality and look. This includes both the cover and the inside of your book. Before you decide to work with a given publisher, it is important to ask to see copies of their previous publications and get a sense of the quality of their work. If a potential company is unwilling to show you examples of their previous work, it may be because they are using pre-made templates instead of customizing designs. This could end up costing you more in the long run, so be sure to ask for samples before making a final decision.

A bespoke design will be created specifically for you, making it a unique, one-of-a-kind piece. While template design may give you a finished product with a similar cover to others and could be an issue if you are trying to create a book that stands out from the crowd. A unique and eye-catching book cover is often one of the key factors in making a successful book.

Who Owns the Files Post-Production?

After your self-publisher has edited your manuscript, they will typeset it to turn it into a book that is ready to print. This process involves taking your manuscript and making any necessary changes so that it meets the requirements for printing. This may include adding or removing text, changing the layout or format of the book, or correcting any errors that they may find during the editing process. Once the book is ready to print, your self-publisher will send you a proof copy so that you can check it over and make sure that everything is correct before it goes to print.

If you have the post-production files, it means that you can utilize them for other purposes. These files give you the ability to repurpose content and save time by avoiding the need to create something new. For example, you could use them on your website or in other marketing materials. Or, if you’re self-publishing a book, you could print it elsewhere. Owning the files gives you a lot more flexibility and control.

Ask About Royalties

When signing a book contract, it is essential to find out how much money you would be receiving and what percentage of the sales will be yours. It is wise to inquire about the cost of printing in advance, as royalties are normally calculated after deducting production costs. This way, you can get a better understanding of how much you will receive from your book sales.

Several companies offer services such as holding stock for other companies, selling books, and keeping a portion of the earned profits in return. It’s not necessarily a bad thing if a company is selling a lot of products, but it’s worth asking about sales figures. This information can give you a better idea of how successful the company is and whether or not they’re likely to continue being successful in the future. If you’re planning on ordering author copies, it’s important to check how much they will cost. This way, you can budget accordingly and make sure you can afford the number of copies you need.


Before collaborating with a provider, it is important to consider a few key questions to ask self-publishing companies. This can help you determine the right option for your needs. Other important questions include: Are the company’s editing and design services affordable? Can the company provide me with a list of satisfied customers? Is the company willing to answer any of my questions truthfully? What are the company’s policies regarding revisions and copyright ownership? By asking these important questions to ask self-publishing companies, you can get a better sense of whether or not a particular publisher is right for you.

The process can be both daunting and exciting. It can be overwhelming to try to figure out everything on your own, but it can also be exhilarating to have complete control over your work. If you’re thinking about self-publishing, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re prepared for all the steps involved. But don’t let the potential challenges discourage you – self-publishing can be a hugely rewarding experience.

Many authors have found that self-publishing their book allows them the freedom to explore new avenues of their creative expression and to reach out with their work in ways they may not have been able to otherwise. Self-publishing can be a great way to get your work out there, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you start.

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