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March Difference Makers Showcase

We are so excited to celebrate another group of transformational authors who have released brand new books, audiobooks, and a podcast into the world, just in the last month! If nothing else, last year showed us all that the world needs healing and change—the time is NOW, and we’re so proud of our authors who are standing in their power to put transformation into practice.

This month our authors released 10 books, 4 audiobooks and 1 podcast, covering topics ranging from business to education. For more on their powerful messages, check out the interview below—then keep scrolling for free gifts and offers each author is making available for a limited time!

Watching the interviews you can really feel the raw energy that each of these authors have for their missions, their readers, and for each other. Here at The Author Incubator we strive to give these change-makers a community with the space to become their best and most empowered selves, and this group of authors shows how powerful community can be.

Becoming an author is about more than putting words on a page—it’s a series of individual acts of bravery that puts you closer and closer to readers whose problems you can solve.

The technical pieces (like your structure, formatting, audience, and book topic) tend to fall into place with the right kind of guidance—but the kind of support required to put yourself out there and create a truly transformational book is hard to come by! Most aspiring authors—even those who know exactly what they want to write and who they’re writing for—never find it, which might explain why over 98% of Americans who WANT to write a book, never do.

Writing a book is very rarely the solitary act it’s romanticized to be. Watching the interviews above, you’ll hear many of these authors describe how they benefitted from having the support of our huge team of coaches, editors, marketers, and project managers behind them—but we can never discount the impact of working alongside a group of like-minded change-makers.

If you’re set on isolating yourself in a cabin in a forest for an extended period of time, we wish you the best of luck! But if you’re interested in joining and contributing to a strong community of leaders who can help you write a truly transformational book in a few short months, these authors are living proof that there’s another option open to you.

While this month is officially sold out for our next group of authors, we always save three spots for applicants who have attended the monthly broadcast. If you’ve gotten to this point, we know you have the level of motivation we’re looking for in new authors, so if you apply using the link on this page we’ll bump you to the front of the application cue.

If you’re ready to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page—with the help of a dedicated team of professionals and a network of healers and entrepreneurs to support you on your journey—we’d love to hear about how YOU want to change the world in the way that only you can.

Just go to




And now, please enjoy some messages and gifts from the authors featured this month:

Lauren Ahmadian
The Well-Paid Christian: A Spirit-Centered Guide to Showing up as Your Best Self in Society
Dear reader,

Thank you so much for your heart and time as you downloaded this book. I am sure your spirit and mind are already stirring with the next steps for yourself.

I would love to hear your thoughts and stay in touch. You can contact me via email, Instagram, or Facebook. Please mention the book so that I may respond with relevant offers that may occurring at that time.

Download my book here:

Kathleen Black
Relentless to Rise: Powering Your Life from the Inside-Out
I am grateful that we’ll get to go on this journey together. My shared story becomes a part of our collective stories.

I know you will move forward and take action to build the life you deserve. As a way of thanking you for downloading my book, I am offering you extra support. You are welcome to a free sixty-minute class on stepping into your power, getting into clarity and alignment. Email me with the subject line Free Class!

Finally, let’s stay in touch. I don’t want our journey to end here! Let’s stay in touch via Facebook, Instagram or my website.

Download my book here:

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
Happy Teachers, Joyful Students, Engaged Families: A Guide for Building a School Community That Works
Thank you for choosing my book. I am so happy to share my successes and lessons learned with other leaders just like you.

After twenty-seven years in education, I shifted from leading organization. I am energized by the work that I do coaching leaders and supporting school teams. If I can be of service to you, please feel free to email me or visit my website.

You are a blessing to all those you serve, and I appreciate you.

In friendship, love, and leadership,


Download my book here:

Danielle E. Felton
Teach and Stay Sane: A Teacher’s Guide to Streamlining Work and Life
Sound the horn and ring the bell! I’m so glad you downloaded Teach and Stay Sane. But, the story doesn’t have to stop here.

I invite you to accept my personal invitation to take your first steps to align your career and transform your life. If you’re ready, to stop the wondering and take massive action today, email me with the subject line “I’m Ready!”. I’ll see you on the other side!

Download my book here:

Chelsea Liebowitz, PharmD
Life with a Service Dog: Make an Informed Decision to Get a Psychiatric Service Dog
Thank you so much for downloading! My hope for you in reading this is to make sure you make a fully-informed decision to get a service dog. While it can be life-changing in the best way possible, it also requires responsibility, commitment, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. If you have any further questions and would like to chat with me, send me an email and we can set up an appointment to chat!

Download my book here:

Melissa Lopez-Larson, M.D.
The Confident Parent: A Recipe of Hope for Struggling Kids & Striving Parents
Thank you so much for downloading The Confident Parent. I know that you are now armed with the information you need to better understand your child and recognize normal and atypical child and teenage behaviors.

I would love to learn more about your journey and success in getting your child back on track. Please keep in touch on my Facebook page or my website to learn more about the many resources we have available to help you, your child, and your family.

Download my book here:

Kelley Oswin, RSW, Ernie Pavan, and Laura Slinn
Is Coaching Your Calling?
Thank you for taking the time to download this book. Visit our website and connect with us.

Download my book here:

Jennifer Powter MSC
Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss: Why You Do it and How to Fix It
I truly appreciate you and the energy you’ve invested to download this book. I want to support you as much as I can as you take more brave steps forward.

Email me for a free class that you can take today along with three key strategies you need to implement in order to stop the self-sabotage and start succeeding at permanent weight loss.

I’m passionate about helping women break free from diets and get truly healthy from the inside out – mind, body, soul.

With hugs and gratitude,


Download my book here:

Kim Weaver
Intuitive and Psychic Development: A Beginner’s Guide to Deepening Your Spiritual Gifts 
Thank you so much for downloading Intuitive and Psychic Development. I hope you find the information and exercises in the BIRTHRIGHT Process helpful in developing your spiritual gifts.

I would love to hear more about your experiences and successes. Please keep in touch. I’m most active on Facebook and on Instagram.

To receive a free gift, please go to my website and enter your information to be part of my email list.


Download my book here:

Theresa Y. Wee M.D.
My Covid-19 Diary: Practical Tips and Scriptures for Improbable Times from an American Doctor 
Thank you for taking the time to download this book. Feel free to email me and connect.

Download my book here:

Allison L. Brown
Get Back to Living: Navigating Through the Loss of Your Spouse 
I appreciate you for taking the time to listen to my audiobook, and I know you are ready to step into the life you desire and become the best version of yourself. As a way to say thank you for reaching out, I would like to offer you a free class on how to get back to living after the loss of your spouse.

E-mail me and I will send you a link for a free class that you can use to help you get out of your head and into your body and start living your life again. Keep in touch on Facebook and Instagram. I look forward to hearing from you.

Buy my audiobook here:

Amie Eyre Newhouse
The End Is Near: Planning the Life You Want After the Kids Are Gone 
Thank you so much for using this audiobook as part of your journey of self-re-discovery. I know firsthand just how difficult this process can be, especially if you’ve experienced trauma or abuse. I also know that the process can feel very lonely if you don’t have the support of a strong, feminine community alongside you.

I’d like to invite you to join the Meaning After Momming – Beyond the Empty Nest Facebook group. In it, you’ll be able to interact with other women on the path of re-individuation, have access to an ever-growing list of resources for growth, find more thought exercises, and connect with me personally. Join me and these amazing women for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine wherever you are, and welcome to the Tribe!

Buy my audiobook here:

Achina P. Stein DO, IFMCP
What if It’s Not Depression?: Your Guide To Finding Answers and Solutions
Thank you so much for listening to What If It’s Not Depression?. If you’ve made it this far, I know one or two things about you. First, you’re more ready than ever to start your health journey and get your life back! And second, maybe you also start at the end of the book before diving in (ha! me too!).

To continue the conversation, join me in my free public community Facebook group. As a thank you, I have created a free masterclass to introduce you to my new online health-coaching program. It’s a companion program to this book. If you are interested in working with me, email me or go to my website to register for a free consultation.

Buy my audiobook here:

Vanessa Woodburn
Bounce Back: Reclaim Your Life After a Concussion 
Thank you so much for listening. I know that healing after a concussion can feel lonely and exhausting. You are working hard to get back on your feet, but your confidence has been shaken and you often wonder “Who am I now?”. I wrote Bounce Back to help women with post-concussion symptoms reclaim their lives feeling capable, confident and empowered again.

If you are interested in a one-on-one phone call with me to learn more about how you can bounce back after a concussion, email me. Let’s schedule a free phone consultation to tell me your story and for you to ask any questions you have about the steps in the book. You can also find me on Instagram.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Buy my audiobook here:

Nina Sossamon-Pogue
This Seriously Sucks: The Right Podcast When Life Goes Seriously Wrong 
This is the right podcast when life goes wrong. Created for people in the middle of major life changing moments that have them feeling like their life is ruined. We offer strategies for the moments when you feel most defeated. We talk about how to get through whatever your ‘THIS’ is that you are going through and offer practical, usable tools to survive and even thrive. We are talking about Seriously Sucky life events that derail people’s lives, hearing from guests who are 10 years past those moments and learning what they did to get past them.

Subscribe to my podcast here:




Thanks so much for joining us in celebrating these authors’ achievements! Check out their books and offerings, share them with the people in your life who might need them now more than ever, and we’ll see you next month for another Difference Maker Showcase. :)

Love, Light, and Blessings from all the Muses,
The Author Incubator

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