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June Monthly Author Showcase

We are so excited to celebrate another group of transformational authors who have released brand new books and audiobooks into the world, just in the last month! If nothing else, this year has shown us all that the world needs healing and change—the time is NOW, and we’re so proud of our authors who are standing in their power to put transformation into practice.

This month our authors released 17 books and audiobooks, covering topics ranging from adrenal fatigue to yoga. For more on their powerful messages, check out the interview below—then keep scrolling for free gifts and offers each author is making available for a limited time!

Watching the interviews you can really feel the raw energy that each of these authors have for their missions, their readers, and for each other. Here at The Author Incubator we strive to give these change-makers a community with the space to become their best and most empowered selves, and this group of authors shows how powerful community can be.

Becoming an author is about more than putting words on a page—it’s a series of individual acts of bravery that puts you closer and closer to readers whose problems you can solve.

The technical pieces (like your structure, formatting, audience, and book topic) tend to fall into place with the right kind of guidance—but the kind of support required to put yourself out there and create a truly transformational book is hard to come by! Most aspiring authors—even those who know exactly what they want to write and who they’re writing for—never find it, which might explain why over 98% of Americans who WANT to write a book, never do.

Writing a book is very rarely the solitary act it’s romanticized to be. Watching the interviews above, you’ll hear many of these authors describe how they benefitted from having the support of a huge team of coaches, editors, marketers, and project managers behind them—but we can never discount the impact of working alongside a group of like-minded change-makers.

If you’re set on isolating yourself in a cabin in forest for an extended period of time, we wish you the best of luck! But if you’re interested in joining and contributing to a strong community of leaders who can help you write a truly transformational book in a few short months, these authors are living proof that there’s another option open to you.

While this month is officially sold out for our next group of authors, we always save three spots for applicants who have attended the monthly broadcast. If you’ve gotten to this point, we know you have the level of motivation we’re looking for in new authors, so if you apply using the link on this page we’ll bump you to the front of the application cue.

If you’re ready to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page—with the help of a dedicated team of professionals and a network of healers and entrepreneurs to support you on your journey—we’d love to hear about how YOU want to change the world in the way that only you can.

Just go to




And now, please enjoy some gifts from the authors featured this month:

Lord Coltrane is the author of Love Avatar, and if you’re interested in unleashing your Divine Feminine superpowers, she’d love to connect with you via email at [email protected]. You can also download her book here.

Vivian S. De Guzman is the author of Money Blocks. She has created a quiz to help clear whatever might be holding you back from financial success—check it out here. And take a moment to download her book on Amazon.

Janet Farnsworth is the author of Love Your Body, and she has created a free guided meditation for grounding love into your body. Just write “Bring me home, Janet!” in the subject line to [email protected], and she’ll send you the MP3. Get her audiobook here.

Petra Frese is the author of Your Script for Intimacy, and she hopes you will check out her website ( to connect with her and see the programs she has available. Her book is available on Amazon now.

Nicole Grant is the author of Yogini’s Dilemma. She is now offering free online classes and workshops at, and you can get her audiobook here. 

Peggy Green is the author of Life after Child Loss, and she has created a free self-assessment to determine where you are in your loss journey. Find out for yourself here, and make sure to download her new book!

Jodi Hadsell is the author of Come Alive. She is currently offering free strategy sessions on her website, so make sure to take advantage of her guidance and her audiobook when you’re ready to live your passion.

Michelle Hoffmann is the author of The New Management Blueprint, and if you’re ready to make your management career a dream come true, she’d like to share a free bonus video training with you. You can also download her book here.

Carmen Leung is the author of Goodbye Adrenal Fatigue, and she’d like to offer you a complimentary consultation session to help you reclaim your strength and power. Her new book is also available on Amazon right now. 

Shaunna Menard is the author of Six-Figure Health Coach. She is now offering a free strategy session to celebrate the release of her second book, which is available here.

Kathi Million is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Support Your Girlfriend with MS. She invites you to read her book and use the code “IREADTHEBOOK” on her website for an instant 25% discount on her courses and merchandise. 

Maricea Muhammad is the author of Plan the Birth You Want Without Fear, and she has created a free supplemental course to guide and propel your creativity. Just send her an email to request it, and make sure to get her book now on Amazon. 

Lannie Reid is the author of Know Your Angels, and she is now offering a free companion video series to go along with her book, which you can get here.

Catherine Scherwenka is the author of PTSD and a Drug-Free Me, and she is giving away free copies of her new audiobook! Just email her with the word “STABLE” in the subject line, and she’ll send you the file.

Sue Seal is the author My Clothes Fit Again! She has created a free video to thank you for your support. You can also download her new audiobook here.

Deborah Sudarsky is the author of Embrace Your Psychic Gifts, and she has created a free assessment to help you figure out the next steps on your psychic journey. You can purchase her new audiobook here.

Lyndsay Toensing is the author of The Art of Connected Leadership, and would love to connect and help you build your powerhouse team. Just email her at [email protected], and make sure you get her new book.

Thanks so much for joining us in celebrating these authors’ achievements! Check out their books and offerings, share them with the people in your life who might need them now more than ever, and we’ll see you next month for another Monthly Author Showcase. :)

Love, Light, and Blessings from all the Muses,
The Author Incubator

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