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Increase Revenue with a Book: From CFO to 7-Figure Business

Armed with a vision to help small business owners gain financial skills, Pam Prior embarked on a journey to entrepreneurship that would help her increase revenue and take control of her career.

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It was late – after midnight, but too early to call it morning – and Pam Prior was sitting next to her mother in the hospital. Her mother, 87 at the time, had broken her thigh, so Pam offered to stay with her overnight. Unable to sleep among the soft hum of medical equipment and an eerily quiet hospital, she turned to podcasts to keep her company. 

“I remember it clearly,” Pam said. “It was two a.m. and on one particular podcast I heard Angela Lauria from Difference Press speaking. She talked about publishing books and how it works.” 

Writing a book had always been in the back of Pam’s mind – a feat that she one day hoped to accomplish, yet never got around to. Someday, she thought. She was a former corporate CFO with an impressive track record who made a bold move from the corporate world to the realm of entrepreneurship. She had a vision for how she would help small business owners with financial management skills, but it wasn’t until she stumbled upon a late-night podcast that the pieces of her entrepreneurial puzzle began to fall into place.

The Leap from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

“I was a corporate CFO who thought, ‘I could write a book about how to do business in a new way in the Fortune 500,’” Pam recalled. But like many aspiring authors, she found herself stuck in the realm of ‘someday’ dreams, wanting to increase revenue and become her own boss. That was until she discovered her passion for working with smaller businesses, which fueled her desire to branch out on her own. Listening to Dr. Angela on the podcast during that sleepless night turned out to be the shift she was waiting for. 

“Angela talked about publishing books and how it works,” Pam said. “She explained there were traditional publishers and self-publishing. But there was also this thing in the middle and, by the way, it’s what she does, and does well.” 

On the podcast, Angela had mentioned an email address for anyone interested to learn more, so Pam sent her a message, expecting to get an automated response. 

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“Angela replied immediately. She said, ‘I love your business name!’ We ended up chatting and that’s when it all started.” 

From Idea to Book

Pam’s long-standing book idea to help Fortune 500 companies do finance differently got a fresh perspective when Angela provided the missing link. 

“That was a big turning point for me,” said Pam. “I went from this mushy concept of ‘I ought to write a book someday’ to ‘Holy cow! I’m going to be an author! And yep, I can do it!'”

Pam’s book idea, it turned out, wasn’t about how to help all Fortune 500 companies, but rather, it was about helping those struggling entrepreneurs who lack confidence in their company’s finances. 

Angela also helped Pam grasp the true purpose of writing her book – it would be a critical component of her marketing plan, a feeder into a scalable business model. The idea of a step-by-step process and focusing on delivering actionable information to her readers excited Pam. “I have a lot to say!” she thought.

Difference Press’s approach was both practical and mindset-oriented. Angela acted not only as a book publishing coach but also as a mindset coach, helping authors overcome barriers and tap into their inner author. The result was Pam’s book, Your First CFO: The Accounting Cure for Small Business Owners, which was published in 2018.

Pam Prior's Your First CFO

Increase Revenue: The Impact on Pam’s Business

The release of Pam’s book was a turning point for her business. She vividly remembers the moment when someone told her, “Wow! This has made such a difference to me – and my business.” The feeling of making a meaningful impact was immeasurable.

Pam’s book was not just a source of pride; it brought tangible results. Angela’s marketing strategies paid off, and the book became a powerful revenue generator for Pam’s business. 

“A large part of what Angela teaches is the marketing of your book. She teaches you the steps to follow. And if you do them, you get the results. And the ultimate thing is your business makes money,” Pam said. “When I wrote my book, my annual revenue was around $120,000. The next year it doubled. The following year it doubled again.”

The guidance and expertise of Difference Press and Angela Lauria had a profound impact on Pam’s life and business. Angela’s adeptness at business modeling transformed Pam’s trajectory as an entrepreneur. “She wasn’t just my publisher; she changed my entire trajectory. She taught me how to be an entrepreneur,” Pam attested.

Scaling to New Heights

With the success of her book and the increase revenue it fueled, Pam’s entrepreneurial journey was far from over. Her next chapter involved scaling her business by making her offer available to groups of people rather than just individuals. 

“My plan is to double this business in a year because I know every entrepreneur needs it,” she said with determination.

Increase Revenue with a Book!

Pam Prior’s story is a testament to the power of transformative ideas and the right guidance. Her leap from the corporate world to entrepreneurship was fueled by a desire to help smaller businesses, and with the support of Difference Press, she turned her expertise into a best-selling book.

More than a book, though, the experience helped Pam to catapult her business to new heights, leading her business to the coveted seven-figure milestone. As she scales her business to reach even more entrepreneurs, Pam’s story remains an inspiring example of how a well-crafted book can be the key to building a thriving enterprise.

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