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I lie on Facebook

I went to breakfast with a friend/business accountability partner this morning and she asked me about my Facebook persona…. Is that really you she asked – are you always that happy and are things always going that well for you? I thought about it a lot because it does FEEL like me. I never lie on FB but I do leave things out.

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For instance, I was at the World Domination Summit in Portland this weekend and I Facebooked like a fiend all the amazing people I was meeting, world records I was breaking and luminary-filled workshops I attended. You’ll see pictures of me smiling with Danielle LaPorte and Gretchen Rubin looking like I’ve got everything figured out.

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Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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By opting in, you’re joining our vibrant community! Expect 2-3 weekly newsletters packed with curated content, exclusive updates, and valuable insights to fuel your journey. Welcome to the conversation!

But I leave out the fact that I questioned everything about my business. Should I be focusing on speaking more? Maybe I should blog more? Spend more time building community? Ask for more? I spiraled on the thought – “I’m doing everything wrong and I’ll never get it right” all weekend and at one point I was so worked up I fell asleep in the middle of a party on a river cruise. True story.

My mom says lies of commission and lies of omission are the same. So, like the good Catholic girl I was raised to be – I am confessing today.

Things are not perfect over here. I get scared, confused and lonely. I waste time and kick myself for it. I gain 8 pounds and wonder if everything I learned about self-care is slipping through my fingers. I make decisions that feel empowered and then question if they were selfish, or worse, stupid. I get stuck and I want to buy a program or hire someone to unstick me instead of doing the work myself.

I freak out that you think I’m too self-promotional. And then I freak out that I’m not doing enough to market my programs – because I know they are amazing and life changing for my clients and for the world.

I’ve got 12 spots in my Free Your Inner Author program and usually they sell out in a few days. This time I have more than half the spots free. It’s a crazy good deal – a year of monthly coaching with me, 6 video or audio classes to teach you the basics of the Difference Process for writing a book that matters, and 2 tickets to a 3-day intensive writing workshop, plus a money back guarantee if my approach doesn’t work for you. My regular price is $1297, but if money is the only thing standing in your way, email me back and let’s talk about a payment plan or something. If you feel like you were meant to write a book, I want to find a way to make it happen for you.

The thing about having an accountability partner is the good ones call you on your stuff and they make you better. Mine did that this morning and she made me realize you might not know I struggle too – and it’s my struggle with picking the right book for me to write, finding my voice, and making my book a part of my business that enable me to help my clients write books that not only make them feel alive and juicy but also that attract the right business and lifestyle. If you find yourself questioning your path or what to do next, you aren’t alone.

I don’t know if I’ll change how I play in social media – but I wanted you to know – I don’t have everything figured out, but I do know how to help people write and publish books – that, I have no doubt about!!!

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Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from
couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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