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How to Write a Book That Makes a Difference

Writing a book is a powerful way to share your message and make a difference in the world. But the process of bringing a book to life can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to start. Many aspiring authors struggle with self-doubt, lack of time, or difficulty structuring their ideas, which can prevent them from writing the book they know they’re meant to create. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key principles of how to write a book that makes a difference, from connecting with your inner author to making a true commitment to your project.

Connecting with Your Inner Author

If you want to write a book, then chances are, deep within, there is a part of you that’s connected to a source. Source can mean your higher self, a particular god or deity, or any higher power that you believe in. No matter what that is or what you call it, there is a part of you that has already written your book, and we here at Difference Press call that part of yourself your inner author. Here’s the thing about your inner author: when you break a promise to your inner author, it actually creates more distance between you and your book being done.

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Your inner author is the part of you that knows exactly what your book needs to be. When you’re headed in the wrong direction, your inner author will use writer’s block as a way to get your attention. It’s like your inner author is waving a checkered flag, saying, “Pay attention! There’s a message for you in your writer’s block if you choose to accept it.”

Every time you lie to yourself about when your book is going to be done, it adds a day to the amount of time it will take to get your book done. These lies add up over and over, and we keep telling ourselves, “I’m going to work on my book. When am I going to do that?” You keep it on your to-do list, but when you feed into that negative energy, you are pushing your inner author away.

The Importance of Choosing to Write or Not Write Your Book

If you have writing a book on your list, there is a choice here. We want you to make a very simple choice: decide either to write your book or not to write your book, but choose not to stay in the space of “I really need to write my book.” That grabby energy, that energy of wanting and yearning, attracts more wanting, yearning, and self-loathing shame.

If you can fully own from the depths of your soul, “I’m not writing a book,” rather than saying, “I’m working on it, I need to get back to it,” you will actually either write that book, or you won’t. But if you’re going to write it, it’s going to happen a lot faster if you can just decide not to. This is because that creates a safe space for your inner author to raise her hand and gently say to you, “I am still kind of thinking about writing that book.”

Making a True Commitment to Your Book

When you make the decision to write your book in a true, meaningful, and powerful way, your book is already written. It’s like when someone commits to going to college and finds the resources to make it happen. Yes, there are still classes to take. There are still obstacles to overcome. But the moment they truly decide and make that commitment, their degree is pretty much done.

To make your book a sure thing, the first step is to find evidence that when you commit to something, you finish it. Look for examples in your life where you made a commitment and saw it all the way through. Maybe it was college, a certification program, a promotion at work, or even putting on a play. Find three examples where you made a commitment and identify what they have in common. Look for a graduation moment, a commitment of time and finances, and other people who had a stake in the game.

The Components of a True Commitment: Time, Finances, and Community

A true commitment to your book includes three key components: time, finances, and community. You need to commit the time to write your book. But you also need to make a financial investment in the process, and involve other people who will be affected by your decision. These could be your readers, your writing accountability group, or your clients. When you have these three components in place, you’re more likely to follow through and finish your book.

Shifting Your Thoughts from Doubt to Certainty

The final piece of making a true commitment to your book is shifting your thoughts from doubt to certainty. When you started past projects that you followed through on, what was your primary thought? Were you holding space for failure, or were you focused on success? To write a book that makes a difference, you need to approach it with the belief that it’s going to happen. Even if obstacles come up along the way. Even if those obstacles are life changing. Authors in transformation may have doubts and fears, but they don’t hold space for not finishing their book. When you make the decision to write your book with a commitment of time, finances, and community, and you hold the thought that it’s a done deal, you will get your book done.

Envisioning Your Book’s Completion

When you truly commit to writing your book, it’s essential to have a clear vision of what completion looks like. This means defining your “graduation” moment and holding space for your book’s success, even in the face of obstacles.

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Just like graduating from college or opening night of a play, your book needs a clear moment of completion. This could be the day you publish your book. It could be the day you hold the first printed copy in your hands. Or it could be the day you celebrate with your launch team. Having a defined “graduation” moment gives you a concrete goal to work towards and a sense of accomplishment when you reach it.

As you write your book, obstacles will inevitably come up. You might face writer’s block, self-doubt, or unexpected life events that throw you off track. The key to overcoming these obstacles is to focus on success. Instead of getting derailed by setbacks, ask yourself, “How can I move forward and make this happen?” Keep your attention on finding solutions and trust that you will find a way to finish your book.

Holding Space for Your Book’s Completion

Holding space for your book’s completion means believing that it’s going to happen, no matter what. It’s about not giving up at the first sign of difficulty. Further, it’s about trusting that you have what it takes to see your book through to the end. When doubts creep in, remind yourself of your commitment and the impact your book will have on your readers. Visualize yourself at your “graduation” moment, celebrating your accomplishment and the lives you’ve touched with your words.

To make your book a non-negotiable, it helps to think of it like a theatre production. Once opening night is scheduled, it’s happening, whether the lead actor drops out or the theater burns down. You find a way to make it work because failure is not an option. Approach your book with the same level of commitment and determination. Hold space for its completion. Trust that you will overcome any obstacles that arise. And keep your focus on the success you know is coming.

Making a Financial Commitment to Your Book

One of the most powerful ways to solidify your commitment to writing your book is by making a financial investment in the process. When you put money on the line, you’re sending a clear message to yourself and others that you’re serious about seeing your book through to completion.

Think about the level of commitment required to pay for a college education. It’s a significant financial investment that demonstrates your dedication to earning your degree. The same principle applies to writing your book. When you make a financial commitment, you’re more likely to follow through and make your book a priority. This could mean hiring experts to help you or putting money aside for the project.

Options for Making a Financial Commitment

There are several ways to make a financial commitment to your book. One option is to hire experts to help you with the writing, editing, and publishing process. This could include working with a writing coach, hiring an editor, or investing in a publishing package. Another option is to set aside money for your book and entrust it to someone else to hold you accountable. This could be a friend, family member, or even a charity that you pledge to donate the money to if you don’t finish your book by a certain date. The key is to make the financial commitment significant enough that it motivates you to follow through.

The Benefits of Hiring Help versus the DIY Approach

When it comes to writing your book, you have the option to do it yourself or hire help. There are benefits to both approaches, and the right choice depends on your individual circumstances. Hiring experts can provide you with valuable guidance, support, and accountability throughout the writing process. They can help you stay on track, overcome obstacles, and ensure that your book meets professional standards.

On the other hand, taking a DIY approach can give you more control over the process. This may be more cost-effective in the short term. However, it also means that you’re responsible for managing every aspect of the project yourself. You must keep in mind that this can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Ultimately, the decision to hire help or go the DIY route depends on your budget, timeline, and level of expertise. The most important thing is to make a financial commitment that aligns with your goals and helps you bring your book to life.

The Difference Between Writers and Authors

When it comes to creating a book that makes a difference, it’s essential to understand the distinction between writers and authors. While both pursue the craft of writing, their approaches and goals differ significantly.

Writers Explore the Path of Writing

Writers embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative expression. They immerse themselves in the process of writing, exploring different styles, techniques, and topics. Writers may attend workshops, join writing groups, and experiment with various forms of writing. For them, the act of writing itself is the primary focus, rather than the end product. While writers may work on a book project, they may not necessarily see it through to completion.

Authors Finish Books

Authors, on the other hand, pursue writing with a clear goal in mind: finishing their book. They approach writing as a means to an end, focusing on the final product and its impact on readers. Authors set deadlines, create writing schedules, and hold themselves accountable for making progress. They understand that completing a book requires discipline, dedication, and perseverance. Authors may also seek help from experts, such as writing coaches or editors, to ensure that their book meets professional standards.

The Importance of Focusing on Being an “Author in Transformation”

To write a book that makes a difference, you must focus on being an “author in transformation.” This means embracing the mindset and habits of an author who is committed to finishing their book. It involves setting clear goals, making a true commitment to your book, and holding yourself accountable for progress. As an author in transformation, you prioritize your book project, carving out time to write consistently and overcoming obstacles as they arise. You seek support and guidance when needed, but ultimately take responsibility for bringing your book to life. By focusing on being an author in transformation, you shift your identity from someone who merely explores writing to someone who actively creates a meaningful book that has the power to impact lives.

Go Write Your Book and Make a Difference

Writing a book that makes a difference requires connecting with your inner author, making a true commitment, envisioning your book’s completion, and making a financial investment in the process. It also involves understanding the difference between writers and authors and focusing on being an author in transformation.

To write a book that matters, you must choose to write or not write, make a commitment of time, finances, and community, hold space for your book’s success, and take consistent action towards your goal.

Being honest with yourself about your level of commitment is crucial. If you’re not fully committed, it’s better to acknowledge that and make a clear decision about whether or not to pursue your book project.

If you feel called to write a book that makes a difference, don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take action today, making a true commitment to your book and taking the first steps towards bringing your message to the world. Your book has the power to change lives, and the world needs your unique voice and perspective.

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