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How Tamir Hasan Wrote a Coaching Book to Quit His Day Job

While some 9 to 5 jobs can be fulfilling, they don’t leave enough room to live life on your own terms—or make a difference in the world. And if you feel called to write a book, then chances are you know you were meant to make a difference. If this sounds like you, then you might find solace in Tamir Hasan’s story. On a quest to find true fulfillment, Tamir wrote a coaching book as a stepping stone to break away from his 9 to 5 to create a broader impact with his own full-time coaching business. But his story didn’t start that way…

From 9-5 Grind to Coaching Book

Tamir was always meant to help other people grow. With a background in software development and computer science, he was used to analyzing and studying intricate beings, figuring out how to improve them. So when the opportunity arose to bring mediating and coaching practices to his government job, he quickly embraced it.  

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

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Though he valued his nine-to-five software development job, it was this new side hustle of coaching that better aligned with his natural abilities. He went on to refine his mediating and coaching skills, receiving two certifications and conducting hundreds of hours of service.

Flash forward a few years. Despite his hard work, Tamir aspired to make an even broader impact by starting his own full-time coaching business. He knew that if he was to find true fulfillment, he needed to start his own coaching consulting practice.  

When he saw a friend write a book with success, he realized it was authorship that could help him turn his side hustle into a main hustle.

“And that friend,” Tamir explained, “actually introduced me to Angela.”

Partnering with Difference Press

Angela Lauria, the CEO and founder of Difference Press, was no stranger to helping authors turn their side hustles into main hustles. In fact, it’s in Difference Press’s DNA, having helped nearly 2,000 authors write a book to make a difference.

“We were all walking to lunch and Angela was behind us,” Tamir said. “My friend pointed [to Angela] and said, ‘Talk to her.'”

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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The main takeaway Tamir had from his conversation with Angela was how realistic his dream of writing a book actually was. He recalls reading other conference attendees’ books and thinking, “They’re not actually doing anything magical here. They’re just talking about what they know, and ultimately having success with it.”

So Tamir set off on his book writing journey. He partnered with Difference Press to help guide him through the process.  

The coaching and tight deadlines Difference Press created gave Tamir the accountability he needed to let his book flow out of him. And it was Angela’s proven step-by-step system that provided him the structure to easily allow his own creativity and brilliance to shine through on the page.

“Finding methods that actually worked to get that shitty first draft out and then the editing process,” Tamir said, “was fascinating, just to look at how books are looked at through different eyes.”

Tamir’s Literary Success

Finally, Tamir’s hard work came to fruition. In December of 2022 his book, Stop Getting Triggered in Mediation: The Art of Managing Triggers as a Mediator and Increasing Your Impact, was published.  

And in June of 2023, a little over half a year after becoming a published author, Tamir’s coaching company, Own Your Own Solution, was successful enough to finally allow him to quit his nine-to-five. 

As he explained, “It all funneled into the book, getting serious about the side hustle, and making it the main job.”

Leveraging a Coaching Book to Build a Thriving Business

Today, Tamir’s full-time coaching business takes a tailored approach. He offers one-on-one sessions and group workshops based on each client’s unique needs. 

As a published author, Tamir is steadily building his business by leveraging his expertise. For instance, he recently presented on his book to the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. He used the foundational mediation techniques he teaches in the book to tailor his speech more toward being Black in the workforce.

While still ramping up, Tamir is proud he took the leap to self-employment. For those eyeing a similar path, his advice is simple.

“Do it now, because there’s never going to be a right time.” 

Tamir’s Advice: Write Your Coaching Book Now 

Taking that first step can be the hardest part. Yet Tamir shows that with courage and grit, you can build the life you want on your own terms. Quitting a steady paycheck may seem daunting, but Tamir believes action trumps procrastination. As he warns, “One day is never going to come.”

Tamir stepped way out of his comfort zone to transform his side business into a full-time gig. Writing a book provided the knowledge, credibility, and confidence to take the plunge. Now he calls the shots in his work and his life. For Tamir, authoring a book was the difference between being stuck in a nine-to-five versus doing meaningful work he loves.  

Reflecting back on that conference he went to, where he met Dr. Angela, he said, “I went to learn more, and it just so happened she was walking behind me. There’s never going to be a right time. Nothing is going to line up ‘perfectly.’ There’s always going to be something [that gets in the way], and you better just hope that something isn’t something serious, like losing somebody in your life or all of a sudden having to take care of your parents.” There’s no legitimate reason to not start your business.”

In the end, Tamir’s journey shows that escape from nine-to-five drudgery is possible. With courage and persistence, you can build a business and life you love. By taking a risk, Tamir found fulfillment, autonomy and purpose. He is proof that writing a book could be the first step toward doing work that matters to you.

Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from couch surfing to 2 bestselling books

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Case Study: Navigating the Business of Writing

Explore Sophia’s fascinating journey from
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