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Career Advancement with a Book: Karla Blanco’s Book Journey

Can writing a book help you with career advancement?

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Back in Costa Rica, Karla Blanco had always enjoyed mentoring up-and-comers in her industry. She was a skilled manager who spent years rising through the ranks of a Fortune 100 company. But she knew she could go even further. This, it seemed, was the same ambition that made her such a sought-after mentor. 

But upon relocating to the U.S. to pursue a new opportunity within her organization, she no longer had time to provide the same depth of career advice that she once did. 

How to Start Writing a Book: Insights from Your Career

“I used to have many mentees from Latin America,” Karla explained. “But coming to the U.S. and focusing on my new work project, I didn’t have the time to share with them that I used to.” 

There must be a way, she thought, to still share that valuable guidance about career advancement and other hard-won insights, without overworking herself. 

“So, I decided to put it all in a toolkit,” Karla said, not realizing the project would turn into a bestselling book that would advance not just the career of the mentees, but Karla’s career, as well. 

One day while taking a much needed break, scrolling through Facebook, Karla came across a training video from book publisher Dr. Angela Lauria of Difference Press, sparking an idea. What if, she thought, this project isn’t just a toolkit, but a book—something she could share with mentees former and new yearning for career advancement. And so, her book journey began.  

Through Difference Press’s structured process, Karla was able to identify her ideal reader and shape her message around serving that one person’s needs—a much easier feat than writing a book that would appeal to every mentee she’s ever served. 

Difference Press’s process begins with identifying your purpose, the reason you want to write a book to begin with. 

Working with a Book Coach: Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience

“Some of the questions [Angela asks] focus on the other person you are going to serve,” Karla said, noting a key belief both she and Dr. Angela share: the importance of being in service to others

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“That servant’s heart is really what connects all of us,” said Karla.  

Once Karla had clarified the audience for her book, the rest began to take shape. The writing process, according to Karla, was fun and amazing, despite some challenges along the way. As a non-native English speaker, she credits her editor at Difference Press for making the process smooth. 

“I love my editor,” Karla said. “English is not my first language, but she made it so easy. I do recall my first edits were full of red, which I loved, but she was so careful to ensure my voice was in the book.” 

The publishing process also exceeded Karla’s expectations in terms of speed. “I couldn’t believe that in three months you could make that happen,” she admitted. And just six months after finishing the manuscript, Karla was holding a printed copy of her published book, Unleash Your Career Potential: 7 Steps to Living Your Dream, which ultimately became a bestselling book. 

Career Advancement by writing a book with Karla Blanco.

Building Authority with Thought Leadership and Speaking Engagements

But Karla had never dreamed that her book would accomplish what it did. 

Internally, Karla’s book brought immense value to her company. She was invited by various groups to present on her book and career advancement, developing a following across the organization. She estimates thousands within the organization have now gone through trainings she created based on her book. Now, still working for the same Fortune 100 company, she serves as a director. 

Externally, the book has allowed Karla to take her impact even further through her side business. She created a Spanish translation of the book, as well as a year-long online course for Spanish speakers based on the book’s principles.  

But some of the most meaningful results have come from personal mentoring relationships catalyzed by the book. Karla shared, “Just looking at where women define where they want to be, I created a process called ‘1, 5, 10.’ Where do you see yourself in 10 years and 5 years, and what are you going to do in the next year to get there? And looking at them making dreams come true is amazing.”

There was the mentee who moved to Mexico despite obstacles, the one who landed a coveted position in Prague, and plenty more achieving career goals once thought impossible. Many even go on to pay it forward. 

“The mentee from Mexico decided to create a mastermind. She invited me and we created groups of women where they go into a mastermind with me [where we plan their career goals].” 

Career Advancement with a Book

Through publishing her book, Karla has expanded her impact exponentially. Now a prominent expert in her company and community, she has become a beacon of inspiration for women yearning for career advancement and determined to thrive in their careers against all odds. 

“The Difference Process that Angela developed helps you thrive in your career,” Karla said, “because people pay attention to you in a very different way when you have a book.”

So what exactly enabled this remarkable transformation? For Karla, it came down to mindset. 

“Jump into the opportunity. Don’t get in your own way,” she advised. “The world deserves for you to share your story.”

To learn more about Karla and read her book, Unleash Your Career Potential: 7 Steps to Living Your Dream, go to

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