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October Monthly Author Showcase

We are so excited to celebrate another group of transformational authors who have released brand new books and audiobooks into the world, just in the last month! If nothing else, this year has shown us all that the world needs healing and change—the time is NOW, and we’re so proud of our authors who are standing in their power to put transformation into practice.

This month our authors released 29 books and audiobooks, covering topics ranging from financial freedom to grief and healing. For more on their powerful messages, check out the interview below—then keep scrolling for free gifts and offers each author is making available for a limited time!

Watching the interviews you can really feel the raw energy that each of these authors have for their missions, their readers, and for each other. Here at The Author Incubator we strive to give these change-makers a community with the space to become their best and most empowered selves, and this group of authors shows how powerful community can be.

Becoming an author is about more than putting words on a page—it’s a series of individual acts of bravery that puts you closer and closer to readers whose problems you can solve.

The technical pieces (like your structure, formatting, audience, and book topic) tend to fall into place with the right kind of guidance—but the kind of support required to put yourself out there and create a truly transformational book is hard to come by! Most aspiring authors—even those who know exactly what they want to write and who they’re writing for—never find it, which might explain why over 98% of Americans who WANT to write a book, never do.

Writing a book is very rarely the solitary act it’s romanticized to be. Watching the interviews above, you’ll hear many of these authors describe how they benefitted from having the support of a huge team of coaches, editors, marketers, and project managers behind them—but we can never discount the impact of working alongside a group of like-minded change-makers.

If you’re set on isolating yourself in a cabin in a forest for an extended period of time, we wish you the best of luck! But if you’re interested in joining and contributing to a strong community of leaders who can help you write a truly transformational book in a few short months, these authors are living proof that there’s another option open to you.

While this month is officially sold out for our next group of authors, we always save three spots for applicants who have attended the monthly broadcast. If you’ve gotten to this point, we know you have the level of motivation we’re looking for in new authors, so if you apply using the link on this page we’ll bump you to the front of the application cue.

If you’re ready to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page—with the help of a dedicated team of professionals and a network of healers and entrepreneurs to support you on your journey—we’d love to hear about how YOU want to change the world in the way that only you can.

Just go to




And now, please enjoy some messages and gifts from the authors featured this month:

Denise J. Anderson
Daddy Issues: The Guide to Heal Your Anger and Pain toward Your Father  
Thank you, dear reader! Thank you for following your intuition, your gut feeling, your instincts, or whatever it was that drew you to this book and my writing. My desire is for people to not only become more inclined to their inner knowing, but to follow it and to trust it. I trust that if our paths are to cross again or we are meant to connect on a deeper level, our souls will find one another. Until we meet again in whatever form, dimension, or time frame that may be, please know that I will be sending you blessings always.

Sincerely, Denise
Download my book here:

Rosanne Austin
Are We The Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant?: The FEARLESSLY FERTILE™ Method For Clearing The Blocks Between Your Relationship and Your Baby Successful 
Wondering what to do now that you’ve downloaded the book? Get my FREE Fearlessly Fertile Method™ For Relationships Kick Start Audio Course as bonus for reading this book. In this laser focused course, I will teach you powerful next steps that will help you gain momentum and confidence when it comes to being 100% certain you and your partner are on the same page about the baby you are trying to conceive. To get your Bonus Audio Course and Worksheet go to: 
Download my book here:

Dr. Asha Pai Bohannon and Eric Bohannon
Impact Pharmacist: Start Your Own Wellness Practice and Leave Your Retail Pharmacy Job Behind
Thank you so much for downloading our book! We would love to keep in touch and learn more about your journey.


Email: [email protected]

Facebook group:

Go to our website and download our free video for a few more tips and tricks on how to start your business today!
Download my book here:

Minh-Chau Craig
I Want to Learn Energy Healing: The Guidebook for Teaching Others to Heal and Discovering the New Chakras Rays 
So, you downloaded my book! I would like to express my gratitude for your support! Furthermore, you might think that I must be the chosen one to be able to do all kinds of healing work, but not really!

You can check my FB’s business page to see my work: Minh-Chau Healing. Our country is in particular need for the real healers, as is the world, and I am sure you know that! Together we can help to change the world!

You can always contact me at: [email protected]
Download my book here:

Dr. Jessica Drummond
Clinician to Coach: Secrets to Building Your Successful Health Coach Practice 
Thank you so much for downloading this book. I hope you enjoyed learning about how simple it can be to transform your practice from a stressful clinical model to an expansive coaching model.

As my gift to you, I’d like to give you some bonus materials to support this book. To get access to these free materials, go to


Download my book here:

Maria L. Ellis
Achieve Financial Freedom: The Road Map to Financial Success
I would like to thank you for downloading my book, which I wrote with you in mind. It is my deepest desire that you have learned the basic investment strategies, that you take action and follow the road map to financial success. Therefore, I am offering you a complimentary financial planning consultation. You may reach me by emailing me at [email protected].

Thank you again!
Download my book here:

Ell Graniel
The Team Whisperer: Successfully Lead a Cross-Generation, Race, and Gender Team 
I am so very proud of the fact that you had your ego in enough check to consider downloading this book.

I have a few complimentary support tools for you. The first is the eBook The Positive Purpose of Negative Emotions by my mentor Dr. Libby Adams. Go to and sign up where it says, “Better than a cup of coffee,” and a PDF will be delivered to your inbox.

To get the complimentary chat session with me, go to As an added BONUS, I’m offering 20 percent off any training we collaborate on! Go to and put “consultation” in the “which program are you interested in?” box.
Download my book here:

Cindy A. Gunraj
Listen to Yourself: The Brown Girls’ Guide to Trusting Your Intuition 
Thanks for downloading my book! To contact me at [email protected].
Download my book here:

J. J. Kelly
Holy Sh*t, I’m a Gifted “Misfit”!: The Young Folx Guide to Unlock Your Superpowers 
Thanks for putting this book to use. If you’d like to stay connected, email me through for bonus material. You can also hit me up on Instagram (@DrJJKelly) where there’s a ton of free content. There’s even more info on my YouTube channel: Dr. JJ Kelly.
Download my book here:

Christine Kraft
Unpacked: An Old Soul’s Guide to the Art of Relocation  
Thank you for downloading. If you are a relocation artist, you’ve crossed lots of borders. I’d like to invite you to check out the Border Women Project at Aphrodite Works. I try to offer a free download or poster as often as I am able to. Look for the link.
Download my book here:

Rosine Kushnick
The Feminine Dating Revolution: The Zero-Heartache Way of Attracting the Love of Your Life
Thank you so much for taking the time to download this book. I hope reading it is an enriching experience and that it inspires you to reach for the stars.

If you would like to receive loving support on becoming the woman who attracts the love of her life with joy and sparkles in her eyes, the training I created might interest you. Please click here to access the training:

You can also email me at [email protected] so I can send it to you.
Download my book here:

K. Domiana Ndour
Help! I Need a Break from Motherhood: The Stay-at-Home-Mom’s Guide to a Balanced Life
Thank you for downloading this bad boy. That’s major. You prioritized yourself and were able to finish. I am celebrating you! I know that you are on the healing path to finding life balance and committed to making the most of motherhood. This can be a delicate balance, and I want to support you as much as possible. As a token of my gratitude, I am gifting you a masterclass. To claim your masterclass, visit and gain instant access. Now is the time to rise up to the woman and mother you know you’re meant to be. You were made for this.

Love you, love you, Domiana
Download my book here:

Tonya M. Overton
Break Free from Anxiety: A Practical Guide to Manage Your Anxiety and Love Your Life 
Thank you for taking the time to download this book. I wrote this book to make a difference for human beings being human in the twenty-first century dealing with situational anxiety on a daily basis, living through the global pandemic of 2020.

Get your free 15-minute cultural communication of anxiety assessment with me by emailing me at [email protected]. Redeem your open access pass to a 30- minute overview of the Break Free from Anxiety 90 Day Program at:
Download my book here:

Karinne Piat
Soul Places: The Star Child’s Cosmic Atlas for Finding Heaven on Earth
Thank you inviting me to be a part of your epic journey home! I would love to hear about your arrival and all the experiences along the way! Send me stories, share your thoughts, and find out about opportunities to work with me by emailing [email protected]. Thank you for your courage, your joy, and your shining brilliance!

Until we meet again,

Karinne Finley Piat
Download my book here:

Pam Reid
FLOW: The Devotional for Grown Folks
Whether you downloaded this devotional for yourself or as a gift for someone you love, I thank you. I hope the love in this book overFLOWs and covers you or whomever you gift it to.

If you need help on your journey or if you just want to keep in touch, you can connect with me here:

Instagram: @theFLOWBoss


Download my book here:

Catherine Scherwenka
Inner Peace: Learn the Craft of Meditation and Use It as Medication
Thanks for downloading my book. I would love to be a part of your support team, so please do stay in touch.

Join my newsletter at and you can also find me on social media. Facebook:

Instagram: @catherine_scherwenka

You can always shoot me an email at [email protected].

Let’s set up a free thirty-minute consult to see if we might be a fit to do some transformational work together!
Download my book here:

Lilia Sixtos
The Art of Speaking in Front of the Camera: From Fear to Confidence on Video in the Digital Age
Dear reader, thank you for downloading this book. In order for you to stay motivated and keep moving forward in your progress, I invite you to continue in contact with me through my page Remember that the additional resources in this book can be downloaded at As a gift to you, you will be able to download an audio recording of positive affirmations to help you feel confident when speaking in front of the camera. It is a great tool to reprogram your mind and feel ready to create videos. 
Download my book here:

Julie Renae Smith
Make Rehab Clients Beg for Homework: The New Framework to Integrate Therapy Into Daily Routines
Thank you so much for downloading my book. I love each and every one of you who opened this book and committed to reading it from the introduction to the conclusion. You’re amazing!

As a thank you, I’d like to offer you a free brainstorming call. Please email [email protected], use the subject line “Empowered Client Brain Storm,” and I will send you a link.

Please keep in touch at to share your wins. For more resources and information, go to
Download my book here:

Nina Sossamon-Pogue
But I Want Both: The Working Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life She Loves 
Thank you for downloading my book. If you’ve made it this far I know one of two things about you: One, you now understand that no one can create a life you love except you and you have the tools to get to work on that. Or Two, you are one of those people who jumps to the end to see if they even want to start reading a book.

I truly believe that each generation of women needs to do all they can to help the generation behind us.

To learn more about my work, public speaking and programs go to
Download my book here:

Lyndsay K. R. Toensing
The Beautiful Un-Becoming: The Ultimate Guide to Life After a Spiritual Awakening
Thank you so much for reading my book. If you’ve made it this far, I know you are committed to doing your work so you can create an intentional, fulfilling life after your spiritual awakening. Or you just skipped to the end. Either way, I’m happy you are here! I would love to learn more about your journey as you adjust to life after your spiritual awakening.

Please keep in touch (Facebook @lyndsaykrt), share your wins by emailing me at [email protected], and visit for more resources, tips, and tools.
Download my book here:

Julie Tourangeau
Free Yourself from Grief: The Secret to Moving on with Life after the Death of a Parent
I wanted to take a moment to appreciate you for downloading this book. I know that you are on the right path to free yourself from grief even though your loved one is no longer here. Seeing the silver lining in your situation can be a delicate process as losing a parent is one of the hardest things to go through at any age. To support you on your journey, I am offering a free class that you can take today to serve as a catalyst for a new mind-set of growth from grief. Visit for this free gift from my heart to yours.
Download my book here:

Jennifer Vavricka
The Financial Freedom Formula: Millionaire Secrets to Build Your Wealth
Thank you for downloading my book. My intention is to help everyone that is interested to have a better and deeper understanding. I offer various classes and trainings throughout the year to help with implementation of the financial concepts and strategies offered. Full implementation will have the greatest positive impact on your financial future. For more information, we can be reached at:

Website: http://www.NLW.Club

Email: [email protected]

Download my book here:

KristaLyn A. Vetovich
Writing the High Vibe Hero’s Journey: The Essential Structure to Crafting a Story That Changes the World
To show my appreciation for the work you are sure to do as part of the High-Vibe Hero’s Journey movement, I want to offer you a free chapter of “Slaughtered” from my Shifted series. I hope it provides the high vibrations you are craving, and I would be happy to offer you the complete novella for free at I know we’ll be seeing more of each other as we each do our part in healing the world – one reader at a time.
Download my book here:

Dr. Jersey Wulster
Betrayed: Recover from the Shock and Pain of Finding Out That Your Spouse Is Cheating 
I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to download this book. I hope that it has presented an opportunity for you to realize that you can move forward.

I would like to offer you the gift of a free audio that is complementary to the teachings in this book. If you are interested, please email at [email protected] using the subject: I Read the Book. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Please visit my website at
Download my book here:

Claudette Yarbrough
Guerilla Startup: Unique Steps to Run and Sustain Your Business
Since you’ve downloaded this book, I know that you are more than ready to begin and/or continue your business journey so that you end up starting, running, and sustaining your business using my Guerilla Start-up book as your guide. I have developed a free class that you can take today to catapult you to the next level as you continue your journey. Email me at [email protected] to get the link to the class today. Please put in the subject line “I am ready to Guerilla-Up.”

Thanks for being willing to take the next step as you continue your Guerilla Start-Up journey. 
Download my book here:

Xuemei Zhong
The Medicine Mage: 12 Steps from Depleted Doctor to Magic Healer of the New Earth 
If you downloaded this book, you will understand that you actually participated in the materialization of this book by your asking in your life. I hope I did a good enough job to bring you some answers and the closure that you are looking for. Please accept a small token from me, my dear reader, for helping me to quantum collapse this book, a free gift career/life mapping session. During this session, we are going to look at your current situation and have fun exploring what you are here for and take a peek of what’s the best possible dream life you could have. Then we will map out the steps that you can take from now into that future. Just email me at [email protected] to request the gift session.
Download my book here:

Belinda N. Zylberman
Love the One You’re With: A Couple’s Guide to Surviving Tough Times and Falling in Love Over and Over Again 
Thank you so much for reading this book. Your time and attention tells me that you are committed to creating a loving and fulfilling relationship. If you’re interested in continuing the conversation or seeing if working together could be a good fit, please reach out to me at: [email protected]
Download my book here:

Theresa Y. Wee
The Happy, Healthy Revolution: The Working Parent’s Guide to Achieve Wellness as a Family Unit
Thank you so much for completing my book. I am so proud of you and hope your journey towards better health and thriving as a family continues for a lifetime. To keep the passion alive for your entire family, continue to revisit areas in this book that seem especially challenging. This journey that you are all embarking on will not happen overnight, so be patient, encourage one another, and above all, don’t give up!
My hope and dream are that your entire family will not only enjoy improved health, but also better emotional and spiritual well-being. This modern revolution of returning back to the family unit has begun with you; now get out and share it with others! Together we can change the world, one family at a time. 

Purchase my audiobook here:

Dr. Jessica Wei
Physician, Care for Thyself: A Doctor’s Journey Out of the Darkness of Depression and Burnout 
Thank you so much for reading Quit Your Job as a Doctor Stat!: True Confessions of an OB/GYN Who Left Her Job to Save Her Life. While it wasn’t easy for me to write about some of the darkest moments of my life while practicing as an OB/GYN, I wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the seeming insanity of your struggle.
I would love to know more about your journey, your dreams, and thoughts about leaving your job as a doctor. Please keep in touch! You can reach out to me via email at [email protected].
Let’s find your inner Clara Joy who wants to laugh and play, to be truly free and happy!
Purchase my audiobook here:


Thanks so much for joining us in celebrating these authors’ achievements! Check out their books and offerings, share them with the people in your life who might need them now more than ever, and we’ll see you next month for another Monthly Author Showcase. :)

Love, Light, and Blessings from all the Muses,
The Author Incubator

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