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Book Journeys Author Interview – February 4, 2016

Dr. Angela Lauria with Jenny Johnston, author of Tapping Into Past Lives.


“The stories still amaze me, and I wanna get that out to others.” ~Jenny Johnston



Well, hey, everybody, this is Angela Laura. We are kicking off a little bit late today, but super-lucky to have with us Jenny Johnson – Jenny Johnston, the founder of Quantum EFT and the author of the best selling book, Tapping Into Past Lives. Jenny, thank you so much for being here. I think Jenny is here, let’s see if we can get Jenny up on the line. Jenny, we’re having trouble hearing you. So, gimme one sec. I’ll just check in on where Jenny is, ‘cause we are gonna talk about her book once we get her off of – hopefully, off of mute, and onto the line with you guys, talking about her book, Tapping Into Past Lives. And I don’t think Jenny hears us yet, but let’s see. Jenny, are you there?



Yes, I’m here.



She is, fantastic! So, I just said, we are kicking off a little late, but we’re gonna talk about Tapping Into … Lives, let’s start off by telling everyone a little bit about you and the book.



So, I started writing the book – well, basically, my students wrote the book – wrote the book – most of the book. I had these workshops that I was doing, and private sessions, and they were so amazing that I thought, “This needs to be told to other people.” I know, Angela, you’d read Brian Weiss’ book, Many Lives, Many Masters, just like I had, and – and you attended one of his workshops. And I was really thrilled to read about that, all those stories, and when I was having … similar amazing stories coming from my students, but with a twist, because I also looked at … past lives, where there was positive lives, where there was positive things that occurred, like the gold, you might say, in all of your lifetimes, and experiencing those and bringing them back as well, and that’s what really created some huge shifts in some of my students’ lives. So, I wanted to tell about that.



And the book also talks about your – your life and how you got to this point, right?



Exactly. And … I really liked the – the chapter on – on synchronicity and how it all allowed for me to get to this point. Even with … the synchronicity of meeting you, Angela.






So, it was amazing – it all just fell into place, and I – I think there’s another book in the coming because I’m doing another program now called “Transform Your Life,” and when you do an intensive lot of past-life regressions with someone, they – they go deeper and there’s a whole lot more information from higher self, and a whole lot of higher learning, and it’s so profound and it’s not just for them but for the whole of humanity, and that’s been really amazing.



So, did you know, when you started this book, what – what you wanted it to be, did you envision it completed before you began?



Oh, no. (laughs)






It was … – it was – it was once I met you, … – I had all the ideas, but I had no idea how to do it, and when I was staying with Dawson Church, who was the head of EFT Universe, because I’m – I’m in EFT Universe Trainer. I said to him, “How do I get a book going?” … “What do I do?” And he said, “You need a book coach,” and I go, “A book coach? What’s that?” (laughs) I said, “I never heard of that, how do I find a book coach?” And then, I was speaking to another trainer, Alina, Alina Frank, and she said, “Oh, yeah, I know a book coach,” and she put me onto you, and then there was the synchronicity of – of you having lived in Australia just near where I live –





– and when you said that you barracked for the same football team, I knew we – we were destined to work with each other. (laughs)



(laughs) Yeah, I love it when we learn how to read signs like that, so powerful.






So, for you, you – you actually mentioned earlier that you’re already thinking about a – a second book, are there some lessons that you learned in writing this first book that you would take to a second book, or advice that you would give if somebody asked you … what do you wish you knew before you wrote your book?



Yes, I’d make sure that I’d try and clear my schedule a little more at the time. (laughs)






Because I remember writing chapters of this book in between workshops in other states, and oh, it was just – it was – I hadn’t realized how much intense work was required, and I would look at my calendar a little bit better and plan it a little bit … next time. But … having said that, I got it all done, and I knew I would never write a book with – with somebody not there telling you what to do and telling you when to do it, and – and I like how you say – there’s the group pull, and the group mentality. When we’re writing a book in – with a group of people, no one wants to be behind. No one wants to be … the only one that’s – that’s not … the same place that everyone else is. You have an editor … they’re on your back as well, saying, “Come on, whe – when’s the next chapter coming,” and – and I – I really need someone with a big stick standing behind me … saying, “Get to work.” That’s the type of person I am. I would not have had a book written if I hadn’t had done your program. And I knew, when I started, that, at the end of the twelve weeks, I’d have a book. And that’s what I needed to do –






– so, very grateful for that.



So, how is it that – your book’s been out for, what, almost a year now, right?



December, so, just over a year yeah, a –






– and almost a year for the print. And …



Mmm. So, give me – give me … a “before and after,” how – how has your business changed, how has your life changed, what are some of the best things that have come out of having a book?



Well, the best thing is that I get to do more of what I love, and I get to do that with a wider range of people, so, before I did the book, I was running workshops in Australia, and – and I’d had an interest from people from overseas, because I – it’s also based on the spiritual work of Kryon, and – and I did travel every year to the US to go to some Kryon things, events and retreats, so I’d met people overseas. But since the book came out I’d – I had – … last year, I did an – US tour and Canada tour, and I was away for three and a half months, and that was amazing, and the connections that I made with people there, and then, there’s – there’s – “When are you coming back?” and just creating my tour for this year – so, I did eleven workshops last year, got nine planned for this year, and I’m going to – back to some of the places I’ve been, and to some new places as well. As you know, last year, visited you in Washington, D.C. as well, so –






– you can tell us a little bit about your experience with the workshop too, in a minute, but … now that I do also “Transform Your Life” program, people are calling in and joining that up, and it’s not on every month, but I’ve got it on at the moment, so every March and April before I travel again, and people get into …



What’s the – what’s the – what’s the best website for people to go to if they wanna learn more about those workshops?



Probably if it – they’re on Facebook, –






– and that gives you instant access to Facebook, otherwise through, and for workshops it’s It includes … for the US, it’s, and for Canada it’s But the – the great thing is that I get to travel and have fun and meet amazing people around the world as well as, when I get back home, most of my work is done on Skype. We do past-life regressions on video Skype, I video them – for them, I send them video, they get to re-watch it and – and get new learning from a conscious state of mind –






– as well as … unconsciously. But … it’s an amazing process, and I get to work with people who really want to work on a deeper, soul level, and I’m not just restricted to Australia now.






It’s beautiful, and that’s what I love, it is that … global …



So, there is a – yeah, there is a tangible – there is a tangible benefit to having a book. You get to hold it in your hand, … I know you sell yours at your workshops, other people have sold your book at their events –






– and that’s cool, that’s awesome, but have you found that, for you, personally, for your … identity, or your confidence, that – that you’ve had – that you’ve had a personal transformation becoming an author? Have there been some other benefits, besides being able to sell the book?



… Yeah, definitely. It gives you much more credibility when you can say you’re a bestselling author, and … when you’re introducing yourself to other people online or in person and – and they know that you’ve read a book – wrote – wrote a book and you’re a bestselling author, it’s a huge confidence boost as well as it gives you credibility to –






– people in your industry, and it helps you introduce yourself to other people. And … you don’t – some people think, “Oh, you know, when I write a book, I’ll make a whole lot of money.” It’s no – it’s not the money you make out of the print book, which, of course, you make money, it’s about what that introduces you to, or enables you to do, enabling you to get your message out to a wider amount of people, and, of course, I’ve made a lot more money through the workshops and through “Transform Your Life” programs, through the personal sessions that I’ve had, and now, maybe ninety percent of my work is – more, even more, is done through Skype with people all around the world. My “Transform Your Life” program, at the moment, I have someone from Hong Kong, someone from Australia, a couple of people from North America, and it’s great! I love it.



Uh, that’s amazing. And what are some of the – what are some of the opportunities that have come out of having a book? Have you had speaking or partnership opportunities or met people through your book that may not have happened otherwise?



Definitely. I’ve had people request to do JV – … opportunities as well, that – that – … people just approach me through Facebook. I’ve been asked to be interviewed, this month, actually, for the Effective Healing tele-summit, and they came to me. One of my – one of my clients recommended me to them, so – there’s been a lot of opportunities, I – I’m about to speak at the Australian – EFT Australian practitioners’ Masterclass, and I’ve been introduced to … internationally renowned and bestselling author. So, I’ve been asked to speak at a lot more things. I – the Kryon events, the Summerlight conference in Arkansas, I’ll have a table this year, I’m having a table at the Kryon event in New Zealand, so, it’s – it’s brought me from this person that does these workshops to a person who i – has m – more notoriety in that area, more expertise because I’ve written a book and it’s brought the workshops out to the world, because it’s a specialized area, not everyone wants to do a past-life regression and not everyone wants to go back and clear things from their past, and also bring in the gold from their past –






– their confidence, their … clear relationships. … The stories still amaze me, and I wanna get that out to others, so that – so many people out there are being held back in their own life, and they don’t know why, they – they’ve done so many courses, so many workshops, they’ve done so much clearing and healing in this life, and they think they’ve done it all but they’re still being held back, and when we go into past lives we find that it’s from past life soul patterns that they’re being held back.






But I’ve just had … – just this week and she’s done matrix re-imprinting, she’s done – she’s done every course under the sun, and she’s done so much personal work, and yet she becomes paralyzed with fear about taking her own business out there. And when we went through her past life this week, as soon as we got there, she was about to be guillotined. So, she’s been a healer in that life, it was in France, in 1472, and she’d been tried for heresy, for being a healer, and – and she was about to get her – her head chopped off, and … she said, “I wonder why I’ve always had this sharp pain at the back of my neck.” (laughs) …



Mmm, I wonder why.



Yeah, yeah, “I wonder why.” So, we cleared that, and – and then brought back … beautiful healing and the – the ability to not only feel safe, being a healer in this lifetime, but acknowledging that – that they weren’t ready for her, with her powerful energy in that lifetime, but they are now, and that she owed that girl in that lifetime to – to shine in this lifetime, knowing that she wouldn’t be killed.






And she felt so powerful afterward and just couldn’t wait to get into some more. But – but … I find patterns like this, maybe not just from one lifetime, there might be other lifetimes, so, just like with EFT, when you need to go and find the core issue, you need to do the same thing in other lifetimes, it just might not be one lifetime that this pattern has shown up, and so, we need to clear all of those before we can go and then mine the Akash and find lifetimes where she has been extremely confident and successful, and then bring back that back as well.



Yes. And I know, e – even in our family, when you are writing your book, my son, who was, at the time, I think, was … seven or eight –






– and he was having a tremendous fear of elevators.






So, he wasn’t just – really, … every time we’d get near an elevator, he would wanna … take the stairs and it would be … ten flights of stairs. I was … “Get in the damn elevator, kid!” And he did a few sessions with you, and we have – we actually have an elevator in our house now, which he has no problem riding every day, in fact. …





And – and for him, I think, the big – … one of the big things that – that he … took back and took out of his work with you is really understanding about spirit guides.






And having … a connection to energy outside of this lifetime that I know he draws on, and so, you work goes beyond just the past life regression …





– and I know, in the workshop that I attended, it – it’s much more than – the past life regression is a piece of it –






– but it’s much bigger.



Oh, much bigger. We connect with the teachings of Kryon and learning about our guides and connecting with our guides and intuition, and understanding our relationships and taking more responsibility for what’s occurring in our life at a soul level that – that – that we created it – at the soul level before we came in, and that we have soul contracts with other people, even those people who are our – our nemesis, and – and we need to work out why we created that and what’s the lesson or the learning we need to step into. So, we do a lot of that work, as well. I really love the psychrometry exercise we do, and – and how people are quite surprised when they tune into …



Oh, I just remembered, I’m … “What was the psychrometry exerci –“ but I actually got to do that with you, I remember it now.



Yes! Yeah.






And – and that’s a really … exercise and helps to tune in to your intuition and your guides and higher self. And – yeah, some people on that course … are so surprised, and then –  and they become so visual, or … stuff pops in, and they go, “Wow, I’ve never had anything like that before.” And so, they get a sense of that – that they are more than just their conscious thoughts. So, I love that part but also with the Quantum EFT, when we use EFT in time, space and place. So, people might come out of a past life regression, or even an experience in this life, and we travel to that – that time and place in that life, or – or in your younger years, and we – we can shift that imagery by tapping on then. And in the past life regressions, when we come back, I get your guides to tap on you, to – to tap on what has been released, and to tap into the higher learning and the n – the new beliefs before we come back, and then, after the session, we do Quantum EFT to cement that in as well.



Yes, so powerful. So, before we go, is there any advice, particularly if somebody has been trying to write a book for a long time, maybe they’ve tried multiple times and haven’t finished. Is there advice that you would give them, and do you think that that might be related to something from their past life?



It definitely could be. Anything that’s stopping them from moving forward, or a block or a fear, could come from a soul level pattern where – where they’ve stuck their neck out or – which is the term the lady used with guillotining. (laughs)






Which is, “Stuck her neck out.”



Stuck your neck out, yeah.



… It was … “I just can’t do this, it’s too scary,” and she’d go back into hiding. So, it can definitely be a past life pattern, where something has occurred where – where they’ve stepped into their power and been persecuted or killed for it. And so, the – the cellular multidimensional layers of their DNA remember that, and then, when they get into that successful mode … that they suddenly self-sabotage and they don’t know why, and it’s their soul pattern that is protecting them, saying, “Oh, don’t do that, remember, you got killed for that last time?”






… It definitely could be something from a past life that – that is completely unconscious to you, it’s just – just not – not known to you. Sometimes, people have a sense of, “Something’s holding me back, I don’t know what it is,” and a past life regressions will help to reveal that, and I am a trained past lives regression hypnotherapist. So, I find that people, surprisingly, go into past life regressions with me very easily, even those who think that they won’t be able to. I’ve very rarely had anyone who hasn’t been able to. So, yeah, being able to step into your group as well, and being shown what to do all the way through and know that you’ll have a book published at the end of twelve weeks or – or your – your three-day program.






That’s – that’s very safe and secure for someone who is not sure, like I wouldn’t have known how to get that beautiful book cover, and …



Yeah. That is a beautiful book cover.



It is. And how to get it on to Amazon and all the rest, that was all left – left up to you, who – who’s an expert in that, and I didn’t know – all I had to do was follow the instructions every week. (laughs) It was like paint by numbers.



… So, if you wanna see – if you wanna see Jenny Johnston’s beautiful book cover and get a copy of her book, go to Amazon and whatever country you’re in and go to Tapping Into Past Lives by Jenny Johnston. You’ll see her book and I highly recommend you buy it and read it. Jenny, thank you so much for being our guest.



Thank you, Angela, great to talk to you again.



Good talking to you, too. And we’ll be back next week on Book Journeys Radio, changing the world one book at a time.

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