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stop buying programs you don’t use

Yesterday was the last day of the Martha Beck Coach training program I signed up for. And – guilty confession to make – I have only completed about half of the classes. There was so much amazing content, I just couldn’t process it all in the amount of time the program ran.

This isn’t the first time this has happened to me. I signed up for a $10,000 book marketing program that lasted a whole year, but I probably only took advantage of 10% of the program. I just couldn’t get through it all. Of course, that didn’t stop me from buying 2 or 3 other programs in the middle of the year.

I’m just going to admit it – I am a learning junkie! I love learning new things about coaching, publishing, writing and marketing and if there is a program that looks good — I will find the money and buy it (even if part of me feels like I shouldn’t spend the money!)

I was talking to someone yesterday who said the same thing — she bought Marie Forleo’s B-School program but hadn’t done it, she’d signed up for a coach training program but (like me) hadn’t finished the material — it’s almost like buying the program was a higher priority than getting the learning.

Brendon Burchard (who I’m not endorsing here by saying this) always reminds his conference attendees and participants that they are creators — he has them stand up and shout out to the world: “I’m a Creator!” But then a few minutes later he passes out a form offering them another product to buy. He’s having them say they are CREATORS but what’s he’s inviting really is for them to be CONSUMERS.

I do NOT want to be like that. So that’s why, even though I’m selling my author training program (called FREE YOUR INNER AUTHOR), I absolutely, positively do NOT want you to buy it unless you are committed to writing a book that makes people’s lives better in the next 12-18 months. If you aren’t going to use this program, please don’t buy it. And if you buy it and don’t use it, please ask me for a refund.

Ask yourself – are you a CREATOR or a CONSUMER? And if you are a creator – a creator ready to write a book, I hope you will let me join you on your book journey. But if you are BUYING something to satisfy the urge to create without doing the work, well in that case, keep listening to my free programs, but save your money!

There is a LOT more I have to say on this topic – but I made a promise I’d listen to a few more classes from the Martha Beck training program today, so I’m going to stop typing and start listening!

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