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How a Successful Business Consultant Grew Her Online Revenue 10X to $500K With
The Author Incubator


About Jill:

Jill McAbe is a hugely successful High-Performance expert who helps entrepreneurs and executives achieve results they think aren’t possible. She was tired of the endless travel in her demanding 1:1 business life and wanted more freedom – but she needed a way to grow her revenue.

How She Used The Author Incubator:

The Author Incubator’s successful program helped Jill write, publish and promote her first book, which she used to grow her bottom line and launch a lucrative new online program, letting her escape the ceaseless demands as an offline consultant.


Jill’s first book It’s Go Time quickly became a best-seller – and it opened the door to 10X her online business revenue to almost $500K within a year, unplugging her from a demanding offline life spent in airports and boardrooms and giving her the freedom of a successful online business.

Ready To Write Your Very Own Best Seller?

“It became a business offering that was worth around $400,000 in revenue.”

– Jill McAbe

Jill McAbe is a successful High-Performance expert. She’s a sought-after consultant who helps executives and entrepreneurs achieve extraordinary results, making her skills highly prized.

It’s a demanding business. Helping balance the endless long hours and constant travel were her clients’ generous compliments, one of which always caught Jill’s ear.

“You should write a book!”, she says, smiling. “I heard this so many times.”

Jill could see the marketing benefits of authoring her own business book. She had lots of treasured information people would love to access.

But what she really needed was a revenue-building tool, one that would also give her more freedom in running her business and control over her non-stop schedule.

Besides, there was the not-so-small problem about actually writing a publishable book.

“I’m a high-performance expert – which means I’m able to execute the science of achieving very challenging things,” she says.

“I couldn’t figure out how to get a book out my myself!”

Jill discovered the true business value of becoming a successful author when she heard Angela Lauria from The Author Incubator speak at the Archangel Summit in Toronto, Canada.

Inspired, Jill thought she could write it alone.

It was an expensive lesson.

“I was at the same conference two years later and there were all of these people who’d written a book two years earlier and their careers and businesses were thriving. And I realized ‘I’ve just lost two years!’”

The impact was immediate.

“Angela was speaking again at this conference and I chased her down just before she was about to present.”

“I quickly said to Angela
‘I need to work with you!’”

“And she replied ‘OK, crazy person! But I’m about to go on stage!’ It was quite funny.”

Jill now knew Angela had the solutions, both for authoring her book and helping her get freedom and control over her business – by moving online to build her revenue.

It was a relief.

At that time, Jill’s life as an in-demand consultant was taxing. She wanted to grow her business, but being a solopreneur whose crushing calendar kept her traveling constantly made that feel impossible.

But speaking to Angela got her thinking.

Jill had started to make some important changes just before joining The Author Incubator.

“What I really wanted was a scalable laptop-live-anywhere business,” she says. “I needed more freedom and control.

“Back then, I was dabbling with taking my business online. The majority of my income was still coming from consulting clients but I wanted the majority of my income to come from my online business.

“That’s what was driving me.”

Jill jumped into The Author Incubator. She quickly gripped the realities of becoming an author – and discovered Angela teaches a lot more than how to write a book.

“Understanding how to monetize your book is a big part of writing it.”

“She taught me how to build a book into my already-successful business system, a process I’d never understood before.”

Despite launching her book It’s Go Time on what turned out to be Black Thursday for the global share market, and just prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Angela’s program proved to be bulletproof.

Jill’s book immediately earned five-star reviews but its bottom-line effects, and the changes to how Jill would end up running her business, were the real results.

“My overall sales were better after writing the book – and I was well into six figures before working with Angela.”

But it was in Jill’s emerging online business where the results skyrocketed.

“Before working with Angela I didn’t know how to create value beyond my initial offer. Her method of training helped me identify and understand my market’s needs and it showed me how well placed I am to serve them.

“It’s here I had a eureka moment. It was about how to structure a back-end offer that was impossible to say ‘no’ to.”

The results were huge.

That scalable offer took her online business from just over $40,000 to just under $500,000 – within 12 months.

“I was able to take my book and turn it into an asset that let me 10X my online income to almost $500,000 in a year.”
Ready To Write Your Very Own Best Seller?

And the best bit? Achieving freedom and control over her business.

“My online business then became my sole source of income and I was finally able to completely unplug.”

Besides its impact on Jill’s business life, The Author Incubator gifted Jill many lessons, including the key insight that helped spark the success of Jill’s online program.

“Angela taught me how and when to create, introduce and sell these products. These were things I’d been considering but she made all of the pieces fall into place.

“It became a business offering that was worth around $400,000 in revenue.”

Best-selling author, 10X revenue growth with an online offer, and taking her business online full-time: Jill achieved some major breakthroughs with The Author Incubator.

What’s next the next goal?

“To get It’s Go Time gets into airport book stores,” she says, smiling. It’s the perfect place for my title – because my book’s about reinventing yourself, and it’s from airports we go on our biggest journeys.”

The Author Incubator guided Jill McAbe from a struggling first-time writer into a best-selling author, helping her escape a demanding off-line consultancy to a booming scalable online business. Having helped usher more than 1,000 best-selling books to market, The Author Incubator can help stamp your authority in your field and grow your business revenue. Contact us today.

Ready To Write Your Very Own Best Seller?

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